Author Topic: Aoki's CityRPG  (Read 11570 times)

when i first started coding the edu thing i spelt business "buisness" and now i have to go back and fix it all lol

*makes a bunch of buildings and gets no admin in return* :I

*makes a bunch of buildings and gets no admin in return* :I
admin isn't a reward as much as it is a responsibility

bump because i plan on rushing the mod in order to compete with /ty's upcoming server

and yes this server will be run by [Qi] staff as well as those selected as admins from this thread
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 02:43:23 AM by log »

Hoping this is a good one.

Position applying for: Admin
BL_ID: 40725
Steam: c[_]
Recommendations: Cemppuli Color TeeTee arttuapina13 Tlt12 LruteL Rebotto Silboy20 TheBox Basil TheOnlyOne

NOTE: Updating post if needed
« Last Edit: August 22, 2015, 12:34:54 PM by c[_] »

Position applying for: SA or Admin
IGN:Altidias, Eltidias, Ultidias
BL_ID: 35214
Steam: You have me
Recommendations: Laneer, MrShades877

Im just gonna go ahead and say wtf did i get de admined for last time
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 05:57:32 AM by Ultidias »

when i first started coding the edu thing i spelt business "buisness" and now i have to go back and fix it all lol
I also noticed a few misspells in your other gamemode (The one you hosted recently?):
Assassin was spelled Assasin (Oh, just realized that may not have been you)
Quite a few bad grammer spots, too.

Uh oh! Gotta get my CityRPG updated fast! :P
Also, just some words of advice: if Team [Qi] is going to be back again, they should really work on their public relations and reputation. I don't mean any offense when I say that shortly after I joined Team[Qi], I heard some pretty bad reports...

Its time.
Mini mall shall be done!

Can you post some pictures of the gui?

Can you post some pictures of the gui?
the ones i have coded are the bank, labor, edu, and HUD guis, i haven't started coding on the PD or business guis, and I haven't even mapped out the settings gui yet; granted, the HUD will not always look that cluttered as it only shows swatches that are relevant to you; ie if you have 0 minerals it won't show the icon, text, or shaded backdrop of the minerals swatch.

idk i still feel like it's kind of everywhere design wise, what with the beveled circles in the edu gui and the shaded buttons but im gonna worry about getting it all mapped out and working before i start worrying about eye candy
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 12:24:35 PM by log »

Money sign before the numbers! Also maybe consider bitmap buttons instead?

Money sign before the numbers!
edit: double oops seems as though the pic i posted was full of only placeholder values and in the actual code i did put money signs before the numbers; wonder how that could have happened lol
Also maybe consider bitmap buttons instead?
bitmap buttons are scary; i'm not much of an artist :(
« Last Edit: August 04, 2015, 12:31:31 PM by log »

Money sign before the numbers!

this so much forgets sake i lose sleep because of this

gl aoki!

gui is ugly but that is only my opinion, at least its better than plaintext. you also have a good bit of new features from when i visited your server. I will probably play on the server

gui is ugly but that is only my opinion, at least its better than plaintext.

but im gonna worry about getting it all mapped out and working before i start worrying about eye candy