Author Topic: Welcome to the Salty Spitoon  (Read 18630 times)

Insert subplot between Burbon and Aereon.

name: Mr. Protag

i shot and killed stalin and Riddler went on a national socialist killing spree and love my country like never before so much thet i have a strong bloodlust problem and will most likely rip out your spine lick it and then violate you with it and then tear out your eyeballs and make you eat them i also went through time and into alternate universes because i could along with getting several diffrent conciouses that became very violent and had to sell 1 as a slave and used my imgaination to kill the other one along with leading my army of patriotic prisoners through a jail and freeing more patriot prisoners i have also been in countless police chases and came out alive i have also nuked several countrys just because i felt like it and i I see myself defending this nation, and this town from communism i have fought aliens and others alike because i could i have broken the 4th wall i have fought my smart phone and won i am also jinxed so bad that it spreads to others alike and will spread to you if you dont let me in

now let me in

Permission to use has been granted by Tber

just skip him we've been on this round for a week

Swamps character has perished for no explicable reason due to lack of comment.

Is it round 2 now

"Im so tough I drive blindfolded and parallel park perfectly"

Welcome to the Salty Spitoon, how tough are ya?

i shot and killed stalin and Riddler went on a national socialist killing spree and love my country like never before so much thet i have a strong bloodlust problem and will most likely rip out your spine lick it and then violate you with it and then tear out your eyeballs and make you eat them i also went through time and into alternate universes because i could along with getting several diffrent conciouses that became very violent and had to sell 1 as a slave and used my imgaination to kill the other one along with leading my army of patriotic prisoners through a jail and freeing more patriot prisoners i have also been in countless police chases and came out alive i have also nuked several countrys just because i felt like it and i I see myself defending this nation, and this town from communism i have fought aliens and others alike because i could i have broken the 4th wall i have fought my smart phone and won i am also jinxed so bad that it spreads to others alike and will spread to you if you dont let me in

now let me in

Go Ahead. Sorry to keep you waiting.

You have entered the salty spitoon! you will level up at the end of the round!

The Round is Over! All who have entered the salty spitoon have leveled up to Level 2!

Health and Damage is now Doubled.

name: Chosen Undead

"I escaped the Undead Asylum, and rung the Bells of Awakening. This event revealed that I was, indeed, the Chosen Undead. Henceforth, I traveled to Anor Londo and received Gwyndolin's blessing, along with the Lordvessel. In the name of the Gods, I have slain Gravelord Nito - god of the dead, Seath the Scaleless - the last dragon who betrayed his own, the Four Kings - four revered kings corrupted by Dark, and finally, the Bed of Chaos - the creator of all monsters.

With their souls, I activated the Lordvessel. This event granted me passage to the Kiln of the First Flame, where I then slayed Gwyn, Lord of Cinder.

Afterwards, I succeeded Gwyn, by bathing myself in the embers that were once a roaring fire, powered by Gwyn's soul, and thus restored the Age of Fire... preventing Dark from expanding."

"It is true that I should not be here - I should be dead. I believe the reason I am here is simple, however. As many know, time is convoluted in Lordran, and in perilous times such as these, worlds mix. That is why I am here."
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 01:52:19 PM by Juncoph »

so do we resubmit characters or what?

i'm nothing

prepare to die

Reginald, do you know why your father left you?

Do you know where he is, Reginald?

Reginald, please understand.

Your father is dead.

Name: Lego brick

Description: "I have a total of 3,543,543,656,978,987,654 confirmed foot injuries. Half of them are dad's on Christmas. Chuck Norris stepped on me once. He didn't break me. I BROKE HIM, well his foot. Don't think your safe either Frank. Remember LAST CHRISTMAS. I will find you Frank, there's no escaping the lego brick. The US military used me as a bomb in Iraq. Ever wondered why their feet always looks so bad? Because of me. I want to cool down in Salty Spitoon. I'm tougher than a Nokia 3310. So let me in before I make you have a bad day tomorrow."

Service in the military: 1956-2013

The Line is Filled!

Prepare to show your toughness!

Reginald HP


To all who have not submitted a new toughness comment! Do so ASAP!

Reginald, do you know why your father left you?

Do you know where he is, Reginald?

Reginald, please understand.

Your father is dead.
Is it round 2 now

"Im so tough I drive blindfolded and parallel park perfectly"

These two do not have to submit a toughness comment. But they will not proceed untill the ones before them submit their comments.

Got a bottle of ketchup?
"Check mate." he says as heugh shoots a bullet into the air, a couple of minutes later at KSC in florida with nasa about to launch a delta 4 heavy lift rocket, the countdown begins but is stopped as a bullet travelling at 123904km/s at the rocket is spotted and it hits with such force the rocket explodes and sends shrapnel with the power of the sun everywhere, pieces hit in arizona, britain, poland and one lands in the ocean, that comes down and hits the sand which kicks up a sea snail who lands on the bottle of ketchup and opens it for heugh and heugh goes off and buys some fries and comes back and puts the ketchup on the fries and he says "pssh, nothin personelle kid..." as he eats a fry.
resubmitting this since it wasn't counted in the first round