
Adventure vs Drama


Author Topic: [VOTE] what is the best movie genre of all time?? - ADVENTURE vs DRAMA!  (Read 501883 times)

Twix, M&Ms, and  York Peppermint Patties

jolly ranchers hard candy
denial results in instant death

reese's peanut butter cups are the stuff
here in canada they're just called "reese" peanut butter cups
without the apostrophe-s for no apparent reason
but still it's the same thing, no big
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 04:03:03 PM by BlueCreeper »

to add to my vote for gummy bears, i nominate jolly ranchers and whoppers

reese's peanut butter cups are the stuff
here in canada they're just called "reese" peanut butter cups
without the apostrophe-s for no apparent reason
but still it's the same thing, no big
ayyyyy ooo canada

Can I nominate a user?
Unless that user is a candy, no.
vote for me guys

everyone's suggestions suck, wow
it's sour patch kids

>criticizes people's suggestions
>suggests sour patch kids

>criticizes people's suggestions
>suggests sour patch kids
>sour patch kids

they're average at best
agreed. not to mention you can't eat very many before it starts to feel more like your eating glass shards on rubber

smile dip anyone?