
Adventure vs Drama


Author Topic: [VOTE] what is the best movie genre of all time?? - ADVENTURE vs DRAMA!  (Read 501882 times)

2 Other nominations, Aero and and caramilk

Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar
Reese's Cups

Does crisps count? If not i'll strikethrough

Doritos am I mlg yet
« Last Edit: October 25, 2015, 05:45:36 AM by Duck Quackington »

No Kinder Eggs? WTF

I know their still not available in the US but you can smuggle these things over you know.

Kinder eggs are overrated.
The Kinder chocolate is nice, but there's not much there, given that it's just a thin shell around a capsule.

And the toys inside are often completely stuff. Especially if you get one of those crappy ones that are pre-built, just a toy model. :/

cadbury creme eggs, on the other hand, are amazing

cadbury creme eggs, on the other hand, are amazing
omfg forget yes this also gets my vote

Kinder eggs are overrated.
The Kinder chocolate is nice, but there's not much there, given that it's just a thin shell around a capsule.

And the toys inside are often completely stuff. Especially if you get one of those crappy ones that are pre-built, just a toy model. :/
Don't care much for the toy I just love the chocolate, and they do have kinder bars you know, their just even harder to find.

cadbury creme eggs, on the other hand, are amazing
This can have all my votes as well.

cadbury creme eggs, on the other hand, are amazing

However, one downside, is when they're just a little bit warm and sticky on the outside, or you've bitten through the top but still have the rest of it wrapped, is that you sometimes can't get all the tinfoil wrapper off, or little pieces of it rip and stick to the chocolate, and you get tinfoil in your mouth. Z:

Don't care much for the toy I just love the chocolate, and they do have kinder bars you know, their just even harder to find.
The Kinder Bars weren't available when I was growing up. I'm pretty sure my parents didn't stock them in our sweet-shop.

But if I had a choice of Kinder product now, I'd go for a Kinder Bueno. Just lovely.
I have one in my snack-drawer, but it's the last one and I'm saving it for a special occasion which I don't know when will come. :)

refrigerated Jolly Ranchers anyone?  :cookieMonster:



Candy Canes

Nerds, Twix, and Jolly Ranchers

nobody appreciates u wonderful master