
Adventure vs Drama


Author Topic: [VOTE] what is the best movie genre of all time?? - ADVENTURE vs DRAMA!  (Read 501895 times)

twix has 2 bars instead of 1
vote twix pls

Twix is a god
A plain boring biscuit, with caramel, and a thin layer of milk chocolate.

It's just so boring. The biscuit isn't anything special, the caramel is just to give it a flavour, and the thin layer of chocolate is just to make you think you're eating something nice.

There are better chocolates, and there are better biscuits.
Twix is a mediocre middle-ground.

if jolly ranchers doesn't win I'll tear my richard off and upload it to redtube
You better loving deliver.

im fairly upset that snickers got put against reeces
snickers is hands down my favorite chocolate bar

how dare you heathens vote twix instead of milky way

ill have you know that our galaxy was named after the wonderful and surreal taste of the milky way candy

how dare you heathens vote twix instead of milky way

ill have you know that our galaxy was named after the wonderful and surreal taste of the milky way candy
That doesnt mean the galaxy should taste good.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>kinder bueno not in poll

welp, you guys suck. i'm now thoroughly convinced that your mouth is literally broken.