
Adventure vs Drama


Author Topic: [VOTE] what is the best movie genre of all time?? - ADVENTURE vs DRAMA!  (Read 449345 times)

a vote for national socialist germany is a vote for Riddler

yeah well whose fault is that
um yours

i want technical support right now i demand my vote be transferred

a vote for national socialist germany is a vote for Riddler
get your faulty propaganda out of here you filthy creep

this is now axis war crimes denial thread

deny all and any axis war crimes here! Riddler and tojo did nothing wrong!

national socialist geormoeny best nation
Funfact: Rommel was history's first confirmed furry, and the desert fox was actually his fursona, rather than just his nickname.

>mfw when national socialist Germany wins for greatest country

national socialist geormoeny best nation

this is loving hilarious

norway because they beat us in every possible metric of quality of life
+ they have a cool language

norway because they beat us in every possible metric of quality of life
+ they have a cool language
excuse me pube walker
we're america, the best at being the best of the best

excuse me pube walker
we're america, the best at being the best of the best
well we win at political corruption and Self Delete rate

well we win at political corruption and Self Delete rate
maybe u should join the Self Delete rate................

maybe u should join the Self Delete rate................