Author Topic: Pumpkinate!  (Read 4826 times)

I made a mod, that turns all of the bricks into pumpkins.

Normal City

Pumpkin City

Halfway through being changed back.

Code: (description.txt) [Select]
Title: Pumpkinate
Author: Dglider
Everything must be pumpkins!
/pumpkinate time(inseconds) colorid(preferrably something orange)
Color ids start at 0 and move down the columns.

The command is admin only, of course.

Alsooooo, Hostage and I were making a pumpkin cutting minigame.  And we needed an event to reset the pumpkin faces.  So we made one.

Voted most useful Add-On 2015


I've really been needing this kind of addon for a long time. Thanks for making it!

thank god this was made, now my server is perfect

you can halloween any build now

someone do mr block slides

If you were able to expand this into a gui with options to change certain bricks into certain other bricks, not quite sure what that could be used for but holy stuff that would be nice.

it looks great once changed over, kind of reminds me of just looking at wireframes of large builds

This mod is so great and usefull,now i can change the pumpkin model into a... you know.
And change eveyrthing into... you get the point.

quality mod right here