Author Topic: PSA: Slow down on/stop creating AMA threads  (Read 1811 times)

i made the best ama and if you think otherwise, prove it!!

i made the best ama and if you think otherwise, prove it!!

proved it.

okay sure, what is your opinion of amas
its the worst idea ever and should be solved using PMs

its the worst idea ever and should be solved using PMs
how would prime ministers fix the issue

Stop making PSA, AMA, whateverbullstuff threads

i used to be fat a few years ago but now im not can i do an ama

Stop making PSA, AMA, whateverbullstuff threads

PSA: Slow down on/stop creating PSA threads


PSA: Learn the difference between an announcement and a command.

I honestly don't see a problem with those threads as long as they were created to legitimately pass time. The gag threads are somewhat annoying, like the  "I'm Jewish" one. But overall, /neutral

Even if they make a ama thread they vanish instantly anyway because of the amount of people that post in the off topic section

PSA: PSAs need to be stopped because they are a dead fad