Author Topic: What type of Phobia do you have  (Read 3383 times)

I'm not a roller coaster person but I love heights and am perfectly content with jumping out of planes.

I've never been a rollercoaster person either, they terrify me too much

whichever one includes paralysis

I've never been a rollercoaster person either, they terrify me too much
last time i ever went on a rollercoaster, my friends parents said my face was green. probably not a good sign lol

ablutophobia - not exactly scared of bathing, but just getting wet
had chorophobia during prom (fear of dancing)
couldnt find anything on sharks
thats about it besides being afraid of new people

off-topic: i found this one funny

hippopotomonstrosesquipedalio phobia



"yeah forget me harder" "pfhAHAHAHAHA"
I'm afraid of this guy's avatar

Rollercoasters (last time my mom tried to make me go on one, I cried and protested)
Heights (never used to be a problem, seems to have just recently started)
Deep water

Somewhat tied to deep water, but I get antsy when riding on any form of watercraft (boats, ferries, jetskis, etc).

Edit: I also don't like being touched and I don't like being in the middle of a crowded room.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 12:41:08 PM by XR-7 »

big super bugs that are the stuff of nightmares

Is that a basking shark. they're harmless
« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 02:40:50 PM by ThatRandomGuy »

Is that a basking shark. they're harmless
more the size of it and the dark water. You're on the surface, you can't see the loving giant ass stuff that lives down there, and it scares the piss out of me.