Author Topic: video shows la cops shooting 2 unarmed men, killing one of them  (Read 4299 times)

To be fair you aren't supposed to make movements unless ordered too but this is still excessive. Cops are supposed to make us feel safe yet even I, someone who has never broken a law, fear them.
You only hear about the bad loving cops. Never the good ones

nobody is immune to tasers, only if the taser malfunctions, or a user error happens, can they shrug it off.
This guy kicks a police dog and gets tasered three times.

He only falls for a second, not losing enough control to prevent him from impulsively firing a weapon.

the video just released recently probably?

kinda looks iffy when the PD doesn't want what is supposed to be a "justified shooting" to be released and wait for a judge to demand it to be shown after about 2 years

the police department tried to suppress the video from the public but the judge ordered it to be released

Some people are more resistant to electrical currents than others. A whalelord would take more than one tazer to immobilize.
that's pretty rare, those guys dont seem like whalelords either.
This guy kicks a police dog and gets tasered three times.

He only falls for a second, not losing enough control to prevent him from impulsively firing a weapon.
malfunctions or user failure, anything otherwise is rare. the odds are generally in favor of the taser

You only hear about the bad loving cops. Never the good ones
this so much. you never hear about the regular, daily things that officers do and problems they resolve. that's just all "normal stuff" to the news so they milk anything even remotely bad that they hear about cops so they can get even more viewers.

the media is seriously stuff when it comes to issues like this and riots

kinda looks iffy when the PD doesn't want what is supposed to be a "justified shooting" to be released and wait for a judge to demand it to be shown after about 2 years
As you can see the media just gobbles it up. Perfect outrage bait and more money for the press. Good cops don't sell papers or bring in ad revenue.

the odds are generally in favor of the taser
Correction: he was tasered four times actually. I doubt four at once would all malfunction, nor that the police used it improperly.

nobody is immune to tasers, only if the taser malfunctions, or a user error happens, can they shrug it off.
There's a lot more to it than that. It can take up to 5 seconds for a taser to have any effect on the target and sometimes, through no fault of the officer, it doesn't make contact. and if it does, everyone reacts to tasers differently. Some can get back up right after a shock and some can stay standing while being shocked.

Do you want to be alive 70% of the time or 99% or the time?
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 08:09:05 PM by Ipquarx »

this so much. you never hear about the regular, daily things that officers do and problems they resolve. that's just all "normal stuff" to the news so they milk anything even remotely bad that they hear about cops so they can get even more viewers.

the media is seriously stuff when it comes to issues like this and riots
because it's a loving cop's JOB to do those things. you don't get a loving news report every-time an engineer builds a good building or a teacher teaches a classroom well. you do hear, however, when a teacher breaks the rules and interferes with a student, or an engineer was negligent and constructed a deficient building. when a cop forgets up it should be exposed, and it SHOULD be something to avoid in the future.

this so much. you never hear about the regular, daily things that officers do and problems they resolve. that's just all "normal stuff" to the news so they milk anything even remotely bad that they hear about cops so they can get even more viewers.

the media is seriously stuff when it comes to issues like this and riots
"this just in cop did his job"

also they do report stories on cops doing good stuff, you just care more about the bad stuff.

this so much. you never hear about the regular, daily things that officers do and problems they resolve. that's just all "normal stuff" to the news so they milk anything even remotely bad that they hear about cops so they can get even more viewers.

the media is seriously stuff when it comes to issues like this and riots
the day that police officers get public praise for doing their jobs correctly is the day america's police force is forgeted

they debatably already are though

also i see what you guys mean about tasers but it really isnt necessary for police to kill as much as they do

at this point these threads are forgetin mad libs

(user) posted a thread about how cops from (place) shot and killed (#) unarmed man(s). people immediately come in to defend cops because man made a (motion) or was being (adjective). one (user) says (media source) only focuses on bad cops instead of good ones. (melodramatic adjective) argument ensues, and nothing is changed.

because it's a loving cop's JOB to do those things. you don't get a loving news report every-time an engineer builds a good building or a teacher teaches a classroom well. you do hear, however, when a teacher breaks the rules and interferes with a student, or an engineer was negligent and constructed a deficient building. when a cop forgets up it should be exposed, and it SHOULD be something to avoid in the future.

Sure, but what about when a cop does something outstanding in his field? One of my local police officers took time off to help in a school play. He dressed up and played the part of a police officer during a school benefit performance. He's super nice everyone loves him. No way that would make national headlines.

The thing is with this is that a cop killing someone (lawfully actually in this case) it makes national headlines, not just onto the desk of the DA for investigation. You get people who's only idea of police is brutal tyrannical murderers who shoot people walking down the street because it's all they ever hear about. Incidents of police abuse shouldn't be milked and spread with the intent of making the world look mean.

But that's what sells I guess.

Sure, but what about when a cop does something outstanding in his field? One of my local police officers took time off to help in a school play. He dressed up and played the part of a police officer during a school benefit performance. He's super nice everyone loves him. No way that would make national headlines.
You only hear about the bad loving cops. Never the good ones
this so much. you never hear about the regular, daily things that officers do and problems they resolve. that's just all "normal stuff" to the news so they milk anything even remotely bad that they hear about cops so they can get even more viewers.

the media is seriously stuff when it comes to issues like this and riots

one (user) says (media source) only focuses on bad cops instead of good ones. (melodramatic adjective) argument ensues, and nothing is changed.
man it's like i've got a gift or something

Sure, but what about when a cop does something outstanding in his field? One of my local police officers took time off to help in a school play. He dressed up and played the part of a police officer during a school benefit performance. He's super nice everyone loves him. No way that would make national headlines.
Because while that's nice, it's nowhere near the magnitude of SHOOTING AN UNARMED MAN.

The thing is with this is that a cop killing someone (lawfully actually in this case) it makes national headlines, not just onto the desk of the DA for investigation. You get people who's only idea of police is brutal tyrannical murderers who shoot people walking down the street because it's all they ever hear about. Incidents of police abuse shouldn't be milked and spread with the intent of making the world look mean.
This incident happened in 2013. It took 2 years for the video to come to light. If the legal system hid this video for that long they, really, really don't want people to see it- well, now people are seeing it.