Author Topic: [VIDEO]MANTEURO GETS SWATTED  (Read 10717 times)

he's been doing a lot of stuff to me for no obvious reason; here's the police report filed after he swatted me back in march
here's my recording:

"forgeted by taco"
nice B)

if they have a dog without a cage its going to be shot, period.
read this before assuming cops like to kill dogs

Glad they were able to capture him. It's a shame we have people who are willing to go that far to ruin peoples lives from behind a computer screen.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 03:41:34 AM by Harm94 »

so he actually got captured? i just heard that someone called the local police department.

where did you guys even get that he was captured from? OP hasn't said he has, and tbh I'm doubting his story a little bit- especially the parts where he talks about confirming it with the police. Like, I get that the swatting happened. The news story confirms that, I'm just not sold on that taco-whoever is going to jail.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 04:43:32 AM by Dreams_Of_Cheese »

BIG UPDATE: i tracked down taco's address and i confirmed it with the police. WOOO!! taco's going to jail.
um how did you do this

where did you guys even get that he was captured from? OP hasn't said he has, and tbh I'm doubting his story a little bit- especially the parts where he talks about confirming it with the police. Like, I get that the swatting happened. The news story confirms that, I'm just not sold on that taco-whoever is going to jail.

BIG UPDATE: i tracked down taco's address and i confirmed it with the police. WOOO!! taco's going to jail.

I mean it's not "captured" but it's not like a teen sperg could do much in the way of avoiding arrest. Those who have been confirmed to have swatted someone, have been arrested and incarcerated before. Swatting is a gross misuse of government personnel, and it's a felony iirc.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2015, 12:32:50 PM by ShadowsfeaR »

read this before assuming cops like to kill dogs
No, they don't like to kill dogs (some of them atleast), but I can gurantee you 80%-90% of the time that those tactics are never used, theres even news reports where someone gets swatted and they'll shoot a loving chihuahua for gods sake.

Otherwise, what you're doing here Gummy is brilliant, and I'm glad you've gone through the effort to keep us updated and find taco's address etc.  11/10 gold stars for Gummy.

Did it occur to you that the media likes to write stories about stupid and evil cops and perhaps that they have a bias towards blowing up stories of wrong doing which occurs 10% of the time rather than 80-90 percent of the time as you claim? Just a thought.

Is there a news article or some link we can see to confirm that Taco got arrested for this?

All gummy's said was "He going to be arrested", not "He's been arrested."
Hold your horses.

What an starfish, misuse of law enforcement is a felony, glad he'll get what's coming to him

this is a forum for a kids game

how the forget does this stuff even happen this isn't 4chan

this is a forum for a kids game
>kids game

pick 1