Avatar won't change.

Author Topic: Avatar won't change.  (Read 1090 times)

i want my avatar changed to this:

jfc why?

i've tried these methods:

-changing image format
-changing image size


I am having the same problem as well.

What exactly is your problem here.

Do you press save settings and it doesn't show up at all?

Do you press save settings and it doesn't show up at all?

Make sure the Picture sizes is 75x75.

Make sure the Picture sizes is 75x75.
Sorry for double post, if it is then just wait a few minutes for it to change.

its a problem with certain older accounts. my first account (2010) worked fine second account (2014) Didnt work and thrid (2015) is works fine again. I just kept trying and trying until it worked. :/

If the above tips do not work, try using this: https://tinypng.com/

It really is 72x75, not the other way around, nor the above ones

didn't work.
I put it through tinypic, then temporarily set it as my avatar and it worked. Try this: