Author Topic: 642 DRAWINGS - Day 239: Root Beer  (Read 115472 times)

DAY 218: a burlap sack

yeah,,,,,,,,,,,i sack

i didn't get the pun till i hit reply

your puns sack
jk they're good keep it up

DAY 219: your least favorite food

3 square meals and a snack

0/10 no rotten meat
yeah, i just searched up "isaac lunch" and got the vanilla sprite, didnt realize they changed it to the meat in Rebirth

a whole bag of dog food seems like more food than just a meal

yeah, i just searched up "isaac lunch" and got the vanilla sprite, didnt realize they changed it to the meat in Rebirth
you mean...

you had to look up lunch in BoI in order to remember it?!

for shame

Y[ou know what they say, early milk and doggy treat, simple meal that cant be beat..............

Y[ou know what they say, early milk and doggy treat, simple meal that cant be beat..............
was that intentionally loveual

op are you ready for day 222 soon

Y[ou know what they say, early milk and doggy treat, simple meal that cant be beat..............

Me every morning
really because i've heard this loving everywhere