Author Topic: Health Bar?  (Read 3000 times)

Do anyone know how to get a Health Bar?
I saw it one day...

That was an energy bar.


  • Administrator
Contrary to common belief, a life bar actually makes the game less fun. 

Makes the amount of damage you receive predictable. Therefore letting you predict damage and stuff. It just adds a little bit of surprise and keeps you on your toes.


  • Administrator
If you're given a life bar, you'll look at it.  You can't help but to check it more often than you need to and it takes you out of the game and into the realm of boring numbers.  With no life bar you're free to play the game intuitively without any brown townytical distractions. 

If its possible to get the damagelevel of your player from clientside then it would be easy-ish.

If its possible to get the damagelevel of your player from clientside then it would be easy-ish.

The energy bar goes up and down by through a function to your player.

If you're given a life bar, you'll look at it.  You can't help but to check it more often than you need to and it takes you out of the game and into the realm of boring numbers.  With no life bar you're free to play the game intuitively without any brown townytical distractions. 

I would want a health bar so I would be able to see my limits though. For instance, if I had the decision to take defense, or pull a "Rambo", I'd want to know how much health I have.

Do you have a health bar in real life?

Do you have a health bar in real life?
Do I pull Rambos in real life? Can I feel pain in real life? Do I have wounds in real life? Am I able to tell if the wounds are lethal or not in real life?

I think he was referring to my custom health bar script. It's basically halo shielded player with 200 max energy and 1 max health. But i wasn't planning on releasing Until i fully set up the Pain emitter part of the script. Mine is more similar to real halo because like in halo if you run out of shields you still have 1 health.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2008, 06:59:38 PM by tommybricksetti »