Author Topic: Locked topic.  (Read 6633 times)

The user TzX stole my little food trailer I built behind the town hall near my old lots I had. I left it their but he buildbotted it in after saving the map last night. I didn't give him permission to. Though it is stuff for my standards of building it pisses me off.

Name and BL_ID: Darth C3P0, 117554 BLID
Past Experience: TheFlamingCurser, RACOONEER1214, Ahead, And abunch more
Why you should be accepted: I like to help make new buildings for the server IF needed, help people, and warn people if they are doing something rule breaking or being disrespectful.
Are you able to properly play the RP and help new users?: Yes, infact I helped abunch of people on many rp's to get started

I posted a redo if my admin app here, but it was sent when I thought it wasnt...

Name and BL_ID: Darth C3P0, 117554 BLID
Past Experience: TheFlamingCurser, RACOONEER1214, Ahead, And abunch more
Why you should be accepted: I like to help make new buildings for the server IF needed, help people, and warn people if they are doing something rule breaking or being disrespectful.
Are you able to properly play the RP and help new users?: Yes, infact I helped abunch of people on many rp's to get started
This application has been denied.

When are you going to fix the lumberjack axe? It doesn't work in jail.

When are you going to fix the lumberjack axe? It doesn't work in jail.
Whenever Torru decides to. I have 0 access to the code so I can't fix it.

--Admin Application--
Name and BL_ID: EV0_, 122066
Past Experience:
--Yoke's [SA]
--Kyber's [SA]
--Ethan8014's [SA]
--shawn6013's [SA]
--Devarture [A]
--Xquavier the S. Umbreon [A]
--Kai Darrison's [A]
--EeOneGuy's [A]
--DatSpaceGuy's [A]
--Nuclear Bear's [A]
--CheeseAndButter's [A]
--c[_]'s [Mod]
--Aoki's [Mod]
Why you should be accepted: I've been successfully hosting my server for months now, and the only complaints about my administrating are when someone wants me to ban someone for something I didn't see, and I ask for proof and they just fuss.
I enjoy helping people.
I always give fair punishment.
I know how to deal with almost any situation.
I never lose my temper (Unless it's on a player sometimes called "No Name_" (BL_ID 122811). He's my brother).
(This may not matter much) I always vote on admin applications people ask me to vote on. I've had too much trouble with people not voting on the apps I ask them to vote on.
Are you able to properly play the RP and help new users?:
Oh yes. In fact, helping is my first instinct. I've already, in fact, set my tag IG to The [Playername] Generous (but unfortunately wasted most of my money on farming EDU).

~Admin Application~
Name & BL_ID: Basil, 37719
Past Experiance: [SA] Gordo123's City RPG, [SA] Falco's various servers, [A] c[_]'s smm + mm's, [A] Aoki's City RPG, [A] WALDO's , [A] Cheesemaster's, [MOD] Dragonoidslayer's, [A] Chill's, [A] Deokotaru's.
Why you should be accepted : I feel as though I should be accepted as a moderator or admin for various reasons. For one, I take pleasure from helping players new and old. I also have the experience of administrating on other city RPGs, are familiar with the problems that arise daily in this environment and am eqquiped to handle such problems. I've played on this server almost daily now and have witnessed  many issues that fly under the radar, yet upset other players and in some cases drive them away from playing. This bothers me somewhat because this server is well built, has a lot of potential and, personally, Is quite fun! By becoming apart of the administration team I would strive to make the server the most it was made to be and help in any way necessary! Whether it be building, eventing or just watching over and assisting other players to make the server run as smoothly as possible.
Are you able to properly play the RP and help new users? : I am more than able to do so, and in doing so will maintain patience, understanding and kindness. Quite frankly, being an administrator does not mean "perks perks perks" or "infinite RP cash", no, it means much more. It means that the admin needs to be willing to take on the responsibility of having power and using it correctly to help others even at the expense of his own progress in the RPG. My main priority would not be playing or making virtual cash, it would be helping others understand the mechanics of the game and it's fundamentals in a fun, and supportive way.
« Last Edit: July 25, 2015, 11:18:52 PM by cbud2012 »

Your application has been accepted.
Yay, thank you. I've had band camp recently, so I haven't been on my computer much at all recently. I am currently on my phone, and I just got back from (DCI) Drum Core International.
But besides the point, I will be on more, for the next few weeks, until football season.

--Admin Application--
Name and BL_ID: EV0_, 122066
Past Experience:
--Yoke's [SA]
--Kyber's [SA]
--Ethan8014's [SA]
--shawn6013's [SA]
--Devarture [A]
--Xquavier the S. Umbreon [A]
--Kai Darrison's [A]
--EeOneGuy's [A]
Um, you deserve SA for every loving server.
--DatSpaceGuy's [A]
--Nuclear Bear's [A]
--CheeseAndButter's [A]
--c[_]'s [Mod]
--Aoki's [Mod]
Why you should be accepted: I've been successfully hosting my server for months now, and the only complaints about my administrating are when someone wants me to ban someone for something I didn't see, and I ask for proof and they just fuss.
I enjoy helping people.
I always give fair punishment.
I know how to deal with almost any situation.
I never lose my temper (Unless it's on a player sometimes called "No Name_" (BL_ID 122811). He's my brother).
(This may not matter much) I always vote on admin applications people ask me to vote on. I've had too much trouble with people not voting on the apps I ask them to vote on.
Are you able to properly play the RP and help new users?:
Oh yes. In fact, helping is my first instinct. I've already, in fact, set my tag IG to The [Playername] Generous (but unfortunately wasted most of my money on farming EDU).

Akio banned me for no child research?...

Akio banned me for no child research?...
Your name was, "Custardo".

Locked topic? Why?

EDIT: Oh. I see. The end of this server because Torru is another alias for Smooth.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2015, 01:22:24 AM by tber123 »