Author Topic: what do moths even do all day  (Read 1858 times)

this motherforgeters been sitting here for the past twelve hours what is he doing and why is he doing it here

he's having a nice nap.

he's probably having a little shut-eye before going into work at the fly-into-the-lightbulb-all-day plant

contemplating what it means to be a moth

the same thing we do every night, pinky...


Moths sleep too, there was one in my kitchen yesterday, it finally flew away
other than that they just fly around light for mysterious reasons

Nice fact: most moths don't and cannot eat.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 03:58:14 AM by Swat 3 »

they do things
also hi 2k post

Nice fact: moths don't and cannot eat.
Some moths can't eat. Some can.

Some moths can't eat. Some can.
well, SOME can, just that most cannot.

They infinitely fly towards the sun until they can't find it anymore. That's when they choose lights.

well, SOME can, just that most cannot.
agreed, just wanted to make that distinction.