Author Topic: (Blogland) Brother does the opposite we tell him, even when life-threatening  (Read 3421 times)

This has been a massive problem and something I've wanted to rant on for a while.

It started with our dog. We have drunk redneck starfishs down the street who hinted that they would shoot our dog if she got into a fight with their dogs or wandered onto their property again. They often have their own dogs out, who love to bark and growl. If it wasn't for a leash, she would run over and get in a fight, and likely be shot, or at the very least taken away by animal control. So because of this, we tell him to always use a leash.
Except he doesn't, solely because we told him to. He's endangering our dog because he's too lazy to grab the leash. And that's not the only thing.

I let him drive the car today, and I learned he never uses the turn signal. I asked him about it, and he stopped in the middle of the road and glared at me, saying "I already get enough of that from mom, want me to drop you off here?" (We live up in the mountains, and the car isn't even his, but it didn't stop him from saying that).
Lack of turn signals lead to many crashes, even when you think you don't need it. He's making sharp turns and cars don't know when or where he's going to do it. He's already hit the side of a truck, giving our third car a nice dent in the door.

Right now, I'm trying to work out a compromise for use of the third car. His goal so far has been to make sure I don't use it as much as possible, the only reason being I had to use it for my job recently, and now that he has a volunteer job, he doesn't want to do the same kind of compromise I had to do.

I don't even know what to do. He's so dense and self absorbed. He puts more effort into avoiding chores and taking care of the pets than actually doing it. Anything that interrupts his videogames makes him angry and impatient. It's miserable for me.

What do I do? Has anyone else been in this situation before?


Older sibling or younger sibling?

Seems to me that he has ODD (Oppositional defiant disorder)

Throw him out and tell him to come back if he wants to listen.

Older sibling or younger sibling?

Throw him out and tell him to come back if he wants to listen.
It might be the other way around. After he didn't walk our dog for 3 hours after he said he would (when questioned he said it didn't matter because he didn't say he promised), my father said we might give away our dog because he obviously didn't care for her.

ask him why he's being a complete loving handicap

He sounds like an enhanced angrier version of me.

He sounds like an enhanced angrier version of me.
You better use a blinker or you don't deserve to drive a car

You better use a blinker or you don't deserve to drive a car

Actually not that part. I use mine for absolutely everything. Everything else though.

Wait let me clarify, I don't do the specific things related to the dog or signals, just the actual attitude itself.

i dont really care for my younger sibling, but i wouldve never pictured that someone could be this huge of an starfish. i mean, brothers are usually very annoying if youre the oldest of your siblings, but if theyre going to be this dense, they need to be kicked out of the house. if his videogames are taken away, will he violently attack you? just curious

Make him run into your neighbors yard and get shot.

He sounds exactly like my older sister
Lazy, dense, not motivated to go to college and get a real job
Telling her things that she needs to do will only piss her off and she throws a fit like a two year old

Tell him the opposite of something really quickly and see if he does it.

if his videogames are taken away, will he violently attack you? just curious
He has before, so probably.

Tell him the opposite of something really quickly and see if he does it.
Didn't work, he could tell.

this lifestyle is obviously going to kick him in the ass sooner or later.