
Who will win?

Real Madrid
AC Milan

Author Topic: Blockland Custom Cup 2015 [►►►REAL MADRID WON!]  (Read 50893 times)

We went wild when Gameking performed that save, he's a king
Haha thanks but I only made 2 saves, my team is awesome and they definitely made the game as exciting as it was and deserve much more credit than me xD

By the way, the reason why that "block" was considered a goal was because the ball glitched. Not much can we do about it http://i.gyazo.com/101aaee0a29eef4fa870de70005f3eb4.gif

Fantastic game! Both teams played very well and AC Milan's passing was superb! Gameking's first game as a rookie goalie was pretty impressive and Skill4Life had some great saves as well! Hopefully we see more games like this one because it was very fun to watch.

Why is "block bear" (ID:157321) not banned yet? He is just spamming and ruining the server's fun and just being a total idiot overall.
EDIT: Perma-banned. Very tanks and guns.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 07:41:10 PM by Gum »

By the way, the reason why that "block" was considered a goal was because the ball glitched. Not much can we do about it http://i.gyazo.com/101aaee0a29eef4fa870de70005f3eb4.gif
Oh wow i totally see now. That was a goal lol

Click images for larger versions

Congratulations to AC Milan for winning tonights match!
It was a tense first half with Zimbe FC and AC Milan in dead lock with a tie of 4 - 4, but in the second half AC Milan pulled the ropes in and pushed their way to victory ending the game on 9 - 6 to them!
Another really awesome turnout tonight with some intense gameplay moments and controversial times. We managed to reach 48 players on the server and have an additional 25+ viewers watching on the stream!

This takes PSG holds 1st place in the standings with a higher GD score advantage, but now ACM has made it onto the listing! Chelsea drops to last place out of the teams that have played.

Official Time/Dates have been released on ROUND 2. There have been some updates to schedules:
The RMC vs ACM has been swapped to Sunday 16th with SAS vs CFC, meaning that game has been moved to Wednesday 19th.
The Saturday game of ZMB v PSG has been moved to Sunday 16th at the same time.
RMC vs ACM game has been pushed to a later time to 18:00pm EST to accommodate 2 games being played on that day.

These times may still be subject to change due to lack of information from players/captains. Keep a look out for updates!

« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 12:24:47 PM by Jam_Jar »

These graphics are still amazing. gj

also Kenko, how'd you guys get the stream overlay to show the score in realtime?

anyone know when the interviews are uploaded?

anyone know when the interviews are uploaded?
No idea, but I checked their youtube and twitch and doesnt seem to be up anywhere atm.

also Kenko, how'd you guys get the stream overlay to show the score in realtime?
Boodals made an add-on that writes the time and score to a .txt file that the program reads and displays.
anyone know when the interviews are uploaded?
in the highlights, which will (at some point) be uploaded to my channel
for now the full streams are up though

"It was a tense first half with Zimbe FC and Chelsea in dead lock with a tie of 4 - 4"
Might as well fix that.

You had one job, Skill

meatsale definitely mvp