Author Topic: Facechild PLAYS: More than just fallout new Vegas.  (Read 7861 times)

All the oldies on standby to post in an oldie thread lmao

This always happens hahaha

i love the worms vid

i love the worms vid
thanks, I am thinking of doing another.

Okay Episode six is all filmed and edited, all I have to do now is Render and upload the bitch. So keep your goddamn pants on and spread the good news! TELL YOUR FRIENDS AND YOUR GRANDMA TOO!
Tell them he plays video games on youtube like that pewdiepie guy, except he's not a loving friend like that pewdiepie guy.

these are awesome, keep at it man

tbh i expected facechild to sound like more of a crackhead but i guess i was wrong

tbh i expected facechild to sound like more of a crackhead but i guess i was wrong
The hell does a crackhead sound like?

probably speaks in a bunch of crunches
sorry, did I say speak? more mumbling grunts than anything i'm guessing

"Ya'll got any more of that fallout new vegas?"

It should be up tomorrow

a crackhead usually has these 3 differences in their speech as opposed to a non crackhead:

1. laughs at wrong times
2. says doesnt have phone, asks to borrow yours. if you allow it, they use it, give it back, then use their own which is magically not broken
3. says things such as "you know what im sayin", and starts stories often with "so i was in XXXX looking for shards and..."