Destructo Wand++

Author Topic: Destructo Wand++  (Read 5816 times)

Destructo Wand++
Version 1

Improves the destructo wand!

Information upon hovering over stuff
  Hovering over bricks/players/bots/vehicles will display the name of the object, the owner, and the bl id
Clearing bullstuff
  Hitting bots/vehicles will kill them and get them out of your way, hitting players still functions the same
3 Switchable modes
Press the light key to cycle through different modes
 Destroy Mode
    Normal Functionallity
 Clear Mode
    Wand a brick to select it and then,
    Left click to clear all other bricks belonging to that user
    Right click to cancel
 Brick Lock
    DWand does not affect bricks

2.05 kb

If you have any requests to add to the destructo wand you know where to put them

any images of the alternate models?
misread "modes" as "models"
« Last Edit: July 22, 2015, 08:32:32 PM by WaterOre »

any images of the alternate models?
they are all the same model

this is what the clear mode looks like which is the only drastically different functionality

before this was there a Destructo Wand+

in seriousness does it still use the /dpb commmand

Dude this is awesome, nice job!

before this was there a Destructo Wand+
yes I made destructo wand + a while ago

also does it still use the /dpb commmand
yes I just hid the tool tip because it was fairly useless

so the brick lock prevents dwands from destroying locked bricks?

add ban hammer functions to it and we good

the brick lock prevents dwands from destroying any bricks

getting this just for the brick lock so i can finally safely push people around :D

Brick Lock
    DWand does not affect bricks
oh helll yess

Brick Lock
    DWand does not affect bricks
If you're going to wand fight, please, do it safe. Use brick lock.