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Author Topic: Windows 10 Thread | I AM LATE BUT IT'S HERE FOR A LOT OF PEOPLE  (Read 111960 times)

Should I still be waiting this long? I still don't have my upgrade.
Neither do I. Welcome to the world of bullstuff, where everybody gets to sit inside with the roaring fire and a roast meal, while we have to wait outside like cold beggars because some of some stupid code that for no reason whatsoever decided we get last dibs on the rotten carcass.
you can literally install windows 10 right now just by clicking a button


Those of you who haven't automatically been updated yet: Use this tool http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10

I don't want to keep using my PC.

I want you to loving let me upgrade instead of downloading at 500kb/s, 1/20th my average download speed in literally everything else


Download the program from the Microsoft website, worked for me

Those of you who haven't automatically been updated yet: Use this tool http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10

You beat me

Windows 10, you don't have the choice to not like it
Actually you still got all those aerocigarettes that don't like the new consistent flat os design.

I can't believe they added the glass effect bac and their still not happy.
Did you guys knows there's actually settings in the registry to turn of the blur on the glass, and for colored title bars, why the hell are these not settings that are easy to access, as well as the dark theme option.

I tried installing it but then my monitor went black during the update and didn't say progress or anything.  Then somehow I tripped over the chord and unplugged it.  I plugged it back in and went back to win8 and continued downloading win10 from where it left off.  It finished downloading then installed, then it restarted.....however I got my black unresponsive screen again.   I tried hard-resetting and still got the black unresponsive screen.

Help me!!

Do you still get a bios post? If you can, insert a cd or flash drive with the 8.1 install media and use the recovery options

Actually, first of all how long did you wait on the black screen?


Actually, first of all how long did you wait on the black screen?
A few hours....fell asleep on accident.

when I first tripped it was like an hour since I hit update

Hey is it just me or does the Hatred Edge browser make some pages (like the BLF) fuzzy?

Hey, the windows 10 icon seems to have disappeared from the taskbar. What do I do so I can download it?

I was told upgrading from the Insider Preview would allow me to update to an already activated 10

I was told wrong, I updated this morning, let it install, yada yada, and it refused to activate.
just a heads up if anyone hasn't updated yet and they're still on a build < 10240.

wiped it all and gave all the space to arch, didn't want to deal with it again lol

A few hours....fell asleep on accident.

when I first tripped it was like an hour since I hit update
Do you have secureboot enabled? (If you have no bios screen and normally skip straight to the Windows spinny loading thing, then it is enabled)

I was told upgrading from the Insider Preview would allow me to update to an already activated 10

I was told wrong, I updated this morning, let it install, yada yada, and it refused to activate.
just a heads up if anyone hasn't updated yet and they're still on a build < 10240.

wiped it all and gave all the space to arch, didn't want to deal with it again lol
Nope, only current Windows 7 and 8 licenses are eligible.

Hey is it just me or does the Hatred Edge browser make some pages (like the BLF) fuzzy?
No its a driver issue, AMD has not released updated drivers yet and Nvidia's are still really buggy.