forgetin' this. We've seen so little of NMS that it's kind of unnerving to me. I'm waiting for them to start actually demoing it in depth so we can see what we're actually getting.
You absolutely loving should buy it! oh good you did, well-Shameless plug of my company/player group/clan in Elite: Dangerous!If you guys play at all and want to make tons of money through mining and/or shooting starfishs, sign up hereI'm also CMDR MackTheHunter ingame. Y'all bitches better add me
tbh, no man's sky (from what we've seen) has a p bad engine with "detail layers". this causes INCREDIBLY annoying also will probably rely a lot on ram more than it really needs to, which is probably why the ps4 looks like it is dying in rendering stuff
nope, get star citizen
you mean that game that doesn't exist yet