Author Topic: things you've done but aren't proud of  (Read 10602 times)

i tried to see if a glove would give me a better climax than my hand

it kinda worked

i have several things i can list here but i'd probably end up getting banned

Cried because I was under a lot of pressure and not for a valid reason like the death of a loved one.

Quote from: my 2nd post on my first topic ever
you guys ill hack in your new accounts then change avatar if need help.
to change avatar is eat cookies then go to profile, left middle, 2nd and there ya go

I was once a very edgy kid in middle school

i once got banned for flaming

betting on a risky csgo bet

only real thing I regret

sometimes i make a singleplayer server and roleplay by myself because no one would have joined anyways
yesterday i was a fire fighter :-)

used to associate with the wrong people

Half the posts I make on this forum

trying very very very very hard to replicate the roblox forums on the blockland forums