Author Topic: Operation:White Fire|A WW3 Forum Adventure|Character Bio's  (Read 1170 times)

This Forum Adventure is played by Multiple Forumers (6 to be exact)

These Forumers play a Special Units Squad of American,British,German,France Soldiers
(Can be all American for all i care) That need to Destroy the Soviets Time Rift to cripple the
Soviets Supply line and make it easier for Allied Forces to attack the Soviets

The Forum can choose the Units Name(Serious)

Info on the Games World:

This Forum Adventure takes place right after WW2 amd the Soviets fight against the Allied Forces.

This means that there are no Fighter Jets or anything but there is a Twist....

Both Forces get contacted by the Same Countrys in our Universe and via a Time Rift our Universe drops the fighting forces Weaponry so there will be some Modern Era Weaponry
(Assault Rifles,Sniper Rifles,Pistols and more)

Thats all.

Here starts the Character Creation:(I will choose the ones that are the most Serious)

Heres an Example of what should be in the Character Bio

Country:(Enter Country here)
Skin Colour:(from Pale to Heavely Tanned)
Hair Style:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Face Hair(Beard):(If Wanted)
Age:(Anything Above 18)
And Class:(Assaulter,Demolitions,Scout,Sniper,Juggernaut,Infiltrator)(There can only be one of each Class)
And a Serious Backstory

Info on the Classes:

The Assaulter is the Basic Assault Rifle,Pistol and Greanades Unit

The Demo is the Units Shotgun,Greanade Launcher and C4 Unit

The Scout is the Units SMG,Pistol and Binocular(To search for entry Points or to spy out Target locations)

The Sniper is Self-explanatory but his Sniper has a Heat Scope

The Juggernaut is the Muscle of the Group and is the Heavy-Armored MG-wielding Tank

The Infiltrator is the Silenced SMG and Pistol,Knife and Spy Drone Unit

I will Update after Bios are made.

Things needed:6 Bios and a from Forum choosen (Serious) Special Unit Name
« Last Edit: July 27, 2015, 05:55:13 AM by Thunderstrike »

Name: Jean Loiselle
Skin Colour: Somewhat Tan
Hair Style: Short
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Face Hair(Beard): None
Age: 27
Behaviour: roostery
And Class: Assaulter
Backstory: He was born to a poor family and always wanted to join the army, I guess. Not that good at backstories.

Country: America
Name: John  Brown
Skin Colour: Caucasian as forget
Style: Bald
Color: Caucasian (I guess)
Facial Hair: None
Age: 30
Behaviour: Calm
Class: Scout
Backstory: His parents died in a Batman-esque way, being killed by some serial killer, and he wanted to join the army to learn about armed combat to avenge them.

Country: America
Name: Matt Franklin
Skin color: White
Hair style: Short'ish
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Dark Green
Face hair: Beard (chuck Norris style)
Age: 34
Behavior: Friendly
Class: Sniper
Backstory: An elite trained sniper with top rank in he's class. Was born to a average american family. In army he noticed he's excellent marksman skills and joined elite sniper training. Has been in further training at army until this mission.

(I will add mine since there arent many People deciding to play)

Name:Ben Laubach
Hairstyle:Medium Lenghty
Hair color:Black
Eye Color:Red
Face Hair:None
Backstory:Being born into the Family of a Leutnant(Leutanant) he had a Military oriented Life.
He later joined the Army with the age of 19 and got execpted into the Neunmann Project(It was a Project to test Weapon Prototypes).
Seeing that the War was going to the stuffter for Germany he switched Sides and would give the Stationed allied forces Blueprints,Info and Locations of diffrent Factorys.
After the War with the Soviet Union started he would be contracted for Operation White Fire as the Infiltrations Specialist

Sorry fo Double Post but the Unit needs a Name:Cringy Example:Ghost Wolves

« Last Edit: July 27, 2015, 12:12:01 PM by tber123 »

The Awesome Salad Suckers

Strike Squad Echo?
Okay the Squad is named STRIKE SQUAD ECHO

would it be possible to be russian resistance or something