Author Topic: Noob Question BUT.  (Read 621 times)

How do i upload my picture on here?

1. Click on "Profile" button at the top
2. Click on "Forum Profile Information" link at the left bar
3. Choose file and navigate to the file you want to use.

It is highly recommended that your avatar is 75x75.

If you click additional options you will see something labeled "Attach" allowing you to browse files to load.

You can do that or upload to imgur. Click on upload images and select the files you want to use. Upon uploading on the right side of the page will appear a series of links. That or you can click the picture itself and copy the link from the straight from the url box. When you have the link copied here is what you do:

When making your post you click the picture frame under the bolded B in the bbc tags. This will get you the image tags. [ img][ /img] this will appear (without the spaces in it.) Copy the link into it and post. To edit the size to make it fit better you can edit the size with [ img width=#] or [ img height=#], in substitute of # you put the pixel number. Putting in only one will maintain the aspect ratio, don't put in both as it will stretch the image.

You can also make the picture link places with the url tags. By clicking the button on the right of the picture frame in the bbc tags you will get [url ][/url ] once again without the spaces. in the first tag you can put links with [ url=]. This way if you shrink the image you can do [ url=image link][img width=pixel width you want to shrink]http://image link[/img][ /url] so when the image is clicked people get the full sized.

If you're talking about a profile picture, click where the red rectangles are: