
Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Somewhere in the middle
None of the above

Author Topic: Introvert vs Extrovert  (Read 6948 times)

an extrovert with social anxiety

AKA life is hell

an extrovert with social anxiety

AKA life is hell
what, does nobody want to share the watering hole with a filthy dromedary, camel?

is that your problem, huh? or maybe your hump ain't big enough, huh.

Inxtroavert,a mix of the two.

Def an extrovert. I get really bored and tired if Im alone in my room playing videogames or something. That's why I'm almost always skyping or facetiming someone when I'm doing that stuff. Idk how people can sit on their computers for extended periods of time every day.

what, does nobody want to share the watering hole with a filthy dromedary, camel?

is that your problem, huh? or maybe your hump ain't big enough, huh.
forgetin tribal

i always knew you were a motherforgetin bactrian

I get depressed if I'm not hanging out with people because I feel lonely

I used to like playing games by myself all the time but I just get bored if I'm not stuffting around with other people in them

are you for forgetin real
This is very time sensitive and Help board gets like 0 traffic

Introvert, being around large groups of people wears me down.

This is very time sensitive and Help board gets like 0 traffic
that doesn't make it okay to just post about it in random threads??