Author Topic: New text adventure.  (Read 2897 times)

So basically, you say what you want to do, and I'll write what happens. You've seen it before. :cookieMonster:
To start off:

You wake up in a cold, bright chamber made of glass. You feel slightly dazed.

suddenly the glass cracks and the only way out is blocked by 3 sudoku puzzles which get increasingly harder as you progress

Get up, and grab your heavy, oversized wrench from your almost infinitely large bag that you carry around for some bizzare reason, that you can't exactly comprehend at the moment (Due to your daze), and smash the glass in.

Dark Chronicle, anyone?

You step out of the chamber, after long hours of Sudoku puzzle solving. You see an elevator, and cameras on the walls.

The beginning of Portal?

Inspired by it. Only thing I could think of at the time. :cookieMonster:

you flash the cameras and here a computer voice say, "oh baby, more!" and you start to undress even more.

 The computer voice plays realistic noises of *something I'd rather not say* and then a male voice says rudely, "Get your clothes on!"

               - BrickG

You look around and walk forward and turn the corrner and look in a mirror
your not in your old cloths but in a weird gray sute like thing
your contune walking untill you  reach a dead end then a voice out of know where says *Hello human test subjuet* and you black out

when you wake up, i drill is 2 feet from your forhead and lowering. you find you cannot move your arms or legs but you can move your head, but not far enough to avoid the drill

then you hear a lough thromping sound d a door opens then walks in a 29 foot tall alien and it comes towrads you and picks you up :O