Author Topic: react to the below thread  (Read 641 times)

It's a simple game
Just go to off topic, see what is below this thread, and post:
<Thread Name>
« Last Edit: July 27, 2015, 04:58:32 PM by RTBARCHIVE »

"No Spam"
ok badspot i wont spam
« Last Edit: July 27, 2015, 05:00:35 PM by giant tootsie rolls »

"am i the only person in the world whdfsioafj dosa"

i died

Sweeet, Is of many hot! Oh good god!

"The yey or ney thread v2: Are you LGBT?"
Well I technically am are is were.

I was is are am were sometimes.
Oh, right, this isn't Tumblr, I'm not allowed to make stuff up as I go.
Aloveual forgethead here.

Yeah lets count down!

10! ...uhh.. 8? 7! I know that one. ...uhhhh... vista? No no, thats not a number.. Er.. XP?
Okay, forget that.