The big word: Religion

Author Topic: The big word: Religion  (Read 12463 times)

"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."

- Charles Sagan

"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."

- Charles Sagan
"I'm astounded by people who want to 'know' the universe when it's hard enough to find your way around Chinatown."

- Woody Allen

If the big bang really did occur, how did it happen? Did infinite nothingness just explode because it felt like it?
That's still a subject of debate. Some say big bangs occur periodically: over time, the universe is reduced to a singularity by gravitational forces, and then that singularity explodes again into pure energy, which condenses into matter (e = mc²).
How were humans created? We are born through reproduction, but how were the first humans born? If we did evolve from monkies or fish, where did the first living organisms come from? Random molecules just collided and made life? That seems even more foolish to believe than in the existance of God. Science does prove most of the things which take place in reality, but there are many things which can not be explained. And this is where science falls short of explanation.
It has been proven that under the circumstances of the early earth (lots of CO2, lightning, vulcanoes, etc) amino acids, nucleic acids and other organic "building blocks" are formed. These "building blocks" interact with each other and form machines which replicate each other: DNA/RNA forms proteins and proteins replicate DNA/RNA. You might also want to read up on evolution and quantum evolution.

Everyone believes in reality because they experience it thorugh their senses, but nobody can prove that reality exists outside of our minds. But, go ahead and don't believe in God just because you can't sense him.
Straw man argument.

You blindly accept that he doesn't exist because that is the way you were raised. So how does that make you different from us, if that logic is to be believed?

You blindly accept that we're not really aliens from a far off galaxy set here to have love with everything in order to win voodoo cash prizes because that is the way you were raised. So how does that make you different from us, if that logic is to be believed?

Oh yes, lets all argue about belief and science!

Gee that makes perfect sense! Lets compare traditions to properties of matter too!

Yeah, let's just drop the topic. I'm expecting this technobabble to turn into a massive flame war any second.

Yeah, let's just drop the topic. I'm expecting this technobabble to turn into a massive flame war any second.
You mean it hasnt already?

There has been practically no flaming so far. Just sober debate.

I am a man of science and I believe in God. I understand why you can't grasp the concept of a deity but what I don't understand is why you wouldn't want to believe in God. What is wrong with eternal bliss after life? This is what the media has done. Just like it made homoloveuals.

Just like it made homoloveuals.
Please don't go there, this matter would deserve a new thread entirely.

crap wrong thread, disregard.

"If he only acted through nature it wouldn't even matter if he exists or not, and it definitely wouldn't serve as proof of anything."
God doesn't just act through nature, he acts through nature and in many ways which we can't comprehend.

"Three stories? That's hardly miraculous. Lifting a two ton car? Have you heard about this natural hormone called adrenaline? Living after having been sucked into jet engine? Although unlikely, it did happen without any apparent godly intervention (his helmet jammed the rotor blades). Let's rhetorically say that these were all acts of God, though. That would only mean that God acts very randomly and that he isn't as just as the Bible makes him seem.

People are dying from hunger all over the world, children are being tortured and raped and thousands of people kill themselves out of loneliness. Isn't it strange that God acts not by saving these people, but by letting some guy (working on getting a war machine ready to fire some missiles at people, none the less) survive being sucked into a jet engine?

I'm saying that if God exists and is almighty and all that, he is either
1. Passive (out of curiosity perhaps) and has no real impact on or lives at all. That means that it doesn't matter if he exists. It also means NO MIRACLES!
2. Active, in which case he is a very cruel and inconsiderate being, showing that he can in fact act through miracles but only does so occasionally, and on a seemingly random basis."
I only stated three for examples. Go search the net for the miraculous events that have taken place. And then email or call the people who experienced those situations and tell them that it was just a fluke. How does science explain the child surviving such a high fall? Did his skull somehow harden before impact? And programs have been created to help those who suffer. The people who created these groups want to maintain the greater good, and God is everything that is good.

"I never said that. I said that have little respect for anyone who believes that God created the world. To elaborate, I find it hard to respect anyone who believes that God physically does stuff at all. It's not because you did anything to me at all; it's more like you would disrespect an idiot. Not out of hate, but because you wouldn't trust him to do anything because he's stupid."
But, don't you have little respect for people that believe in God also? And true christians do not disrespect idiots, or commit immoral acts, so who is the better person?

"The difference is that I don't blindly accept anything. My beliefs are based on logical conclusions that I can draw from what I see myself."
Your beliefs are based on logical conclusions that you can draw from what you've seen in a culture that demeans anyone who believes in God? I see a pattern here.

"Reality is always real because the word essentially means "how everything actually is". What we perceive as reality might -- while unlikely --  be different from what is actually real, though. Does that even matter? In the end it's only what we percieve as real that matters.

To all those arguing that religion dictates moral and that chaos would ensue if the Bible didn't tell us what's wrong: Are you really that cynical? People in general are more empathetic and considerate than you seem to think. It's not like everyone acts nice and friendly out of fear of being smitten by God or sent to hell. Modern western philosophy has taught me more about morals and ethics than the Bible ever could, anyway. "
You didn't prove that it exists outside of ourselves. You just said that it's real because that is the meaning behind the word. My point in comparing reality and not-believing-in-God folk, is to prove that we accept that reality is real and we don't question it's existance, and yet we question the existance of a higher being. Not even scientists can prove its real, and they can make us believe anything.

"So did the God in Adolf Riddler kill all those Jews? It would sort of make sense, them still not accepting Jesus as the anointed one and all.

Hmm, it could be that or maybe God just forgot Riddler and left him behind. "
No, Adolf Riddler did that. God is everything that is good. If we do evil it is because we choose to.

"Straw man argument."
My question is a 'Straw Man Argument' just because you can't answer it? Why do people argue about religion when they don't even know enough about the entire debate.

"You blindly accept that we're not really aliens from a far off galaxy set here to have love with everything in order to win voodoo cash prizes because that is the way you were raised. So how does that make you different from us, if that logic is to be believed? "
How exactly is that an intelligent argument? Were you raised believing that you are an alien? Did the media convince you that you were an alien? You are just jumping on the anti-religion band wagon because everyone else is doing it. I just heard that everyone was sending me money via paypal! Quick, send me more money!


we can debate this forever, but I am happy with my decision to choose to put my faith in God. The feeling of happiness, accomplishment, and that warm feeling you get when you do something good is from God. Evil is a result from the abscence of God. God created science, and we experience his love through science. Science is even beginnning to prove that religion isn't so far off.

We have even discovered what is very similar to Jesus' tomb. Science can be used to disprove AND prove that there is evidence of God. So, why do people believe in science when it's findings are interpreted by humans, which are inarguably imperfect. One thing is for sure, christians with strong faith will never give up their beliefs, and this is what angers non-believers. If christians maintain good in the world, help other people, and are happy with their decision, what is to be debated? We believe in a higher meaning to life than just "we are here and we don't know why." Linde cleary said that it is foolish to believe in a higher meaning to life, well why is it foolish? Terror raises a great argument. What exactly is wrong with believing in God? It is possible for science and God to coexist in truth. But, the only reason most people do not even consider God is because they are influenced by culture. I do realize that it is hard to believe and explain, but many things in both religion and science go beyond comprehension. Anyway, I am done reading this topic. No amount of intelligent arguments or belief-challenging questions will make anyone in this topic have an open mind.

What is wrong with eternal bliss after life?

according to the bible, you have no identity in heaven. no memories, or free thoughts. all you exist for in heaven is to non stop praise god. and your self is gone.

Christians tend to not like to study that part.
its very displeasing