Author Topic: The big word: Religion  (Read 12604 times)


Argueing about beliefs will never get you anywhere.


Argueing about existance of things that cant be proved or disproved will never get you anywhere.


Trying to topple hundreds of years of tradition with newfangled science just makes you look like an @sshole.


Trying to topple hundreds of years of science with oldfangled traditions just makes you look like an arsehole.


Trying to ruin this discussion by repeatedly posting totally irrelevant messages makes you look like a  :nes:, too.

irrelevent? I'm telling you to stfu because you'll never EVER reach a conclusion to this "discussion". It will just dissolve into a flame war.

Don't you think that a discussion can bear some kind of fruit even if no obvious conclusions are made? In my opinion, you should just skip the thread if you are not interested. You are welcome back to say what you've said so far if it does turn into a flame war.

To be honest, the only fact that God cannot be proved or disproved is enough evidence for me that he exists.

Well, obviously you didn't read a few things.

First off. Agnostic: The belief of a possibility, note that word, possibility, of a higher power. In my case I believe in god, or a god, but not the bible or organized church.
Agnosticism is the belief that whether deties exist or not it can not be known for certain. You call yourself agnostic and then in the paragraph immediately after that you claim to have logical proof of the existance of a God. Sure, you can believe in God and still be agnostic, but once you blurt out that you are certain that there is a God you are no longer agnostic by definition.

Secondly, I wasn't try to end the discussion, and I had logical proof. If you read furthur I said "Scientists have found marks or "echoes" of the big bang, thus proving its existence." Meaning to say, the big bang probably happend, and that matter can just appear somewhere without the help of something is almost illogical, weather it be a god or not, you can't just say nothingness can become somethingness by itself. I consider that proof of "God".
I'm sorry to have to say this, but your idea of proof is really warped. Has it ever passed your mind that by that logic some other fairy tale character might as well have created the world? Perhaps Snow White or the Grinch.

When you actually have logical proof of God I am sure that there are a lot of philosophers and scientists who'd like to have a word with you. Believe me when I say that people have tried to find proof of God for ages. Even if you don't understand the point that I was making in my last post, you must at least understand that the answer to such an elaborately explored problem won't likely be revealed by a 14 year old on the Blockland Forums.

How is Christianity not a new idea of god? It wasn't around in B.C. times (note the fact it means "Before Christ") We've only recorded it to Ancient Rome. Thats when Jesus went against the Roman empire, and they technically "stole" Judaism the wrote their own version of it in the new testament. So yes, its a new idea.
Aha, so did you mean "new" as in "only a couple of thousand years old" rather than "new" as in "an original idea"? Because in the sense of "only a couple of thousand years old", that statement has no relevance to the discussion.

Yes yes, I know that scientist have been coming to conclusions far long before the time period I spoke of. But I was referencing to the "Enlightenment" The time when people started to go against the long regarded truth that was science and government. I'm not sure the exact date of the enlightenment, I used 1700's as an example.
Yes, the enlightment was in the 1700s. I agree that this was the time ideas of atheism and science first were spread wide in the west, but the heliocentric world view was established in the 1400s and the fact that the earth is round was predicted (on empircal base) by Aristotle 300 years before christ. Charles Darwins ideas of evolution are from the mid-1800s, and the Big Bang theory is much newer than that, so all your examples are well outside the period of time you speak of.

It's hardly relevant to the discussion, but if you want to be taken seriously you have to get your facts straight.

I didn't say that Atheism was all about religion bashing. This might be my only flaw I agree with you on. I was only meaning the Atheists who did religion bash, which sadly theres a large majority of them who do. I'm sorry I said that, and I have cleared it up for you. I hope. Theres nothing wrong with it, and I myself was an Atheist for a while as well. Then I found my theory, yes it is a theory, I in no way shape or from say it to be fact, the theory of "the big bang and god" so to speak.
In your last message you called your [now] theory of "the big bang and god" logical proof. Do you realize the difference? I'd argue that it is not even a theory, since it there is practically no substance behind the claim. Let's forget that, though, since I already addressed it twice.

On what facts do you base your statement that "religion bashing" atheists are in majority? I'm sure that if you poke around a little, you'll find that less people than you think believe in God. Some people might even say that they do because that's what's expected of them. I'd say that most atheists probably are not very vocal about it.

I didn't end the thing saying that! I'm NOT a Christan! Thats what people yell at me for! Again, you obviously didn't read, and therefore made false statements. I respect everyones beliefs, I just think they do some things wrong. They have it right with global peace and all the ten commandments, I just think that imposing it on other people and waging wars in Gods name is contradiction. Note you thought that I didn't respect others onions cause you thought I was Christan, didn't you. Ha, And I'm disrespectful.
Ah, I did read that part wrong. Sorry about that. But yes, you are at least as disrespectful of the beliefs of people as I am. Trying to impose your own beliefs on other people is part of Christian doctrine (look up "missions"). You obviously don't respect that, and you showed your disrespect for atheism in your first message.

I've made my statement (again) hopefully clearing up what confused you, and what you read wrong, and what I left out. Thats exactly why I left it open for editing. Thank you. If theres anything else to fix, please tell me. I enjoyed your little comments. (Gay bar... ha ha.)
Thanks, I was very satisfied with that brown townogy.

EDIT: After rereading your arguments again, you really did think I was a Christan. And thats why you disagreed with everything I said! Ha, trust me, I would never be caught dead in a religion. All the "isms" are so screwed up right now, I don't think faith is even involved with some people anymore.

Never. Ever. Would I go to church.
I did not disagree with you just because I thought that you were Christian. Claiming to have any kind of proof of God really does grind my gears, though, no matter what your beliefs are.

No no no, I don't mean I have actual hard facts as proof. No one can possibly have that, I simply stated I had logical proof, you know, if you could prove god, that could be one way to do it.

I did not disagree with you just because I thought that you were Christian. Claiming to have any kind of proof of God really does grind my gears, though, no matter what your beliefs are.

As does mine. Alas, I'm sorry to have come off that I had proof. I apologize.

As for the rest of your argument, you are right about the heliocentric ideas where in fact mid 1400's with Aristotle. Darwinism, I wasn't really talking about, I just meant people going against what people were talking about. It was all a general point of assumption. Science has been around for a very long time.

As for the disrespect of others. Yes, I full fadedly hate religion. Its a pointless banter between who's right and who's wrong, again, I think it should all be about the meaning, not the god.

On what facts do you base your statement that "religion bashing" atheists are in majority? I'm sure that if you poke around a little, you'll find that less people than you think believe in God. Some people might even say that they do because that's what's expected of them. I'd say that most atheists probably are not very vocal about it.

Thats actually one of my pet peeves, people who are only in a religion because its expected of them, or they're scared into it.

Ah yes, about the "new' argument, I did mean a new idea in two sense, it is (I believe, the youngest of the religons, besides Pastartfarnism, you can certainly correct me on that, I have no idea) and second, it was sort of a new idea with the new testament, but like I said and believe you said, they just stole from Judaism.

Oh and, agnostic, I've heard to meanings:

Mine, stating the possibility of a god

Or yours:

It doesn't matter weather a deity exists.

Both of which I support, so I really don't mind what you said about that.

Oh and one more thing I'd like to point out: Yes, the forum says I'm 14, I'll be 15 nest Thursday (not that that matters, I'm still very young) my point is, I wasn't trying to prove anything, so my age shouldn't matter.

and lastly: (little out of order)

I'm sorry to have to say this, but your idea of proof is really warped. Has it ever passed your mind that by that logic some other fairy tale character might as well have created the world? Perhaps Snow White or the Grinch.

I wasn't implying that the "God" created us(although a world controlled by the Grinch might actually be awesome), just something had to. We could possibly be a far off race of beings higher than us's School science project. We don't know, and we can't possibly know, and I hate people who think they do. So I don't disagree with anything you've said, and believe you have valid points.

So hopefully on that "high note" I'll end, who knows whats out there, lets just make whats due with what we have here. Although, if anybody comes to my door and starts delivering pamphlets, I'm sorry, I won't join.

Why did you quote all of that?

No no no, I don't mean I have actual hard facts as proof. No one can possibly have that, I simply stated I had logical proof, you know, if you could prove god, that could be one way to do it.
Okay. I think that you should look up the definition of logical proof, too.

I did not disagree with you just because I thought that you were Christian. Claiming to have any kind of proof of God really does grind my gears, though, no matter what your beliefs are.

As does mine. Alas, I'm sorry to have come off that I had proof. I apologize.

As for the rest of your argument, you are right about the heliocentric ideas where in fact mid 1400's with Aristotle. Darwinism, I wasn't really talking about, I just meant people going against what people were talking about. It was all a general point of assumption. Science has been around for a very long time.

As for the disrespect of others. Yes, I full fadedly hate religion. Its a pointless banter between who's right and who's wrong, again, I think it should all be about the meaning, not the god.

On what facts do you base your statement that "religion bashing" atheists are in majority? I'm sure that if you poke around a little, you'll find that less people than you think believe in God. Some people might even say that they do because that's what's expected of them. I'd say that most atheists probably are not very vocal about it.

Thats actually one of my pet peeves, people who are only in a religion because its expected of them, or they're scared into it.

Ah yes, about the "new' argument, I did mean a new idea in two sense, it is (I believe, the youngest of the religons, besides Pastartfarnism, you can certainly correct me on that, I have no idea) and second, it was sort of a new idea with the new testament, but like I said and believe you said, they just stole from Judaism.
That's kind of like saying that Saab 9-5 is a brand new idea of a car because it has a built-in GPS system. Oh, and yes, Christianity is far from the youngest religion. Among the major religions that are younger we have Islam, for example.

Oh and, agnostic, I've heard to meanings:

Mine, stating the possibility of a god

Or yours:

It doesn't matter weather a deity exists.

Both of which I support, so I really don't mind what you said about that.
... Or you could support the definition made by the man who coined the term, which also happens to be the most widely accepted one, and the one that I presented you. Wordnet puts it like this: "a person who claims that they cannot have true knowledge about the existence of God (but does not deny that God might exist)".

Agnosticism, in the original sense, is totally in line with my own beliefs, by the way.

Oh and one more thing I'd like to point out: Yes, the forum says I'm 14, I'll be 15 nest Thursday (not that that matters, I'm still very young) my point is, I wasn't trying to prove anything, so my age shouldn't matter.
Of course not, but you did use the word proof where it does not belong at all so it did come off as if you were trying to prove something.

and lastly: (little out of order)

I'm sorry to have to say this, but your idea of proof is really warped. Has it ever passed your mind that by that logic some other fairy tale character might as well have created the world? Perhaps Snow White or the Grinch.

I wasn't implying that the "God" created us(although a world controlled by the Grinch might actually be awesome), just something had to. We could possibly be a far off race of beings higher than us's School science project. We don't know, and we can't possibly know, and I hate people who think they do. So I don't disagree with anything you've said, and believe you have valid points.
There is a difference between implication and meaning, too. You were definitely implying that God created us, but as it turns out it was not what you actually meant.

So hopefully on that "high note" I'll end, who knows whats out there, lets just make whats due with what we have here. Although, if anybody comes to my door and starts delivering pamphlets, I'm sorry, I won't join.
Yes, you certainly did. I'm sorry if I am a bit blunt at times, but I hold very strongly to my beliefs and I have given the subject a lot of thought which makes discussions like these both frustrating and very interesting.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2008, 06:48:48 PM by Linde »

To be honest, the only fact that God cannot be proved or disproved is enough evidence for me that he exists.

My point still stands.

To be honest, the only fact that God cannot be proved or disproved is enough evidence for me that he exists.
That alone is not a large enough base to logically make such an assumption from. If you by evidence mean that it's enough for you to believe that there is a god, then go ahead, I respect that. If you by evidence mean that it universally (as opposed to personally) makes it evident that there is a god, then the only thing that is actually evident here is that you are incapable of critical thought.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2008, 07:04:37 PM by Linde »

I meant it personally, otherwise that would be me forcing my opinions on somebody else.

This seems somewhat relevant:

(except perhaps the last frame)

I think this image sums up the thread: