Author Topic: Haven't been here in forever, what's happening?  (Read 3813 times)

Hey mango. I remember those old guns you made.
(fal, usp, among other things)


Dude I named 3 kittens after you over the years, all orange lil acts

they never lived past kittenhood :c

I remember you

Your name sounds really familiar, any ways, hey man!


Dude I named 3 kittens after you over the years, all orange lil acts

they never lived past kittenhood :c

This is actually really sad :( But thanks man, I'm honored to have 3 dead kittens be named after me.

Hey mango. I remember those old guns you made.
(fal, usp, among other things)

Those were the days man! I had tons of weapon packs to release too!

i remember you

sebastian bach

skid row

Doesn't ring a bell :(

Yoooooooo remember me?

How could I forget Sailor ;) I loved your clan.

Dude haven't seen you in forever! Whats up man?
Nothing much, just chilling! ^_^

Yeah, true story. I even sent you a PM all those years ago when the first kitten was born I think

Yeah, true story. I even sent you a PM all those years ago when the first kitten was born I think

Now I think I'm remembering, or maybe I'm just imagining. Aha.

Anyways, I joined Kong123's death race last night. I sucked but it was fun ;)

weird: Badspot has been randomly joining servers: there are also other topics
Not weird, he joins your server and leaves after downloading files, then puts them on so other players can download faster.

Advanced bot got banned for playing around,and then his exploiter friends did alot of things to make him with all the blame when it was them.