Author Topic: who is Iban and why is he ban on sight?  (Read 76002 times)

Are you honestly saying it's not true? I mean you're one of the biggest offenders so I can see you wanting to dismiss it, but come on dude.

damn you're narcissistic as heck

Allow me to clarify. I'm not saying anyone follows me around trying to start stuff. What I'm getting at is someone from this group sees an opportunity to stir the pot they do so especially when it involves me or other users with checkered pasts or volatile behaviors.

Are you honestly saying it's not true? I mean you're one of the biggest offenders so I can see you wanting to dismiss it, but come on dude.

Ike jumps on everyone who shows weakness. That's just how he gets off, why else would he stick around? He doesn't do anything lol

I wasn't one of those in aforementioned group until you carried yourself the way you did in this topic haha

he's gone full pandan on us

tbh i dont forget with his history or care to look it up but pandan is a pretty chill guy now from what i know. he makes me models for free :)


heck lol

Allow me to clarify. I'm not saying anyone follows me around trying to start stuff. What I'm getting at is someone from this group sees an opportunity to stir the pot they do so especially when it involves me or other users with checkered pasts or volatile behaviors.

Yeah you're right in all points. I'm not saying I didn't take a few wrong steps here, but others need to start owning up too.

Yeah you're right in all points. I'm not saying I didn't take a few wrong steps here, but others need to start owning up too.

Your issue is that you jump into threads guns a'blazing and end up drawing attention to yourself, rather than a group of people dedicating their time to follow you around.

If you didn't start so much stuff and act like a douche canoe, people really wouldn't have a problem with you

Yeah you're right in all points. I'm not saying I didn't take a few wrong steps here, but others need to start owning up too.
how dare people point out your own self-admitted wrong steps
how dare they

I didn't really jump into this one considering I had posted in it multiple times before I got swarmed. I asked cheese why he was deadset of loving over anyone using an alt. Considering prior history and how much of a jerk he's been to me and others that seems pretty tame.

If you can be "forgeted over" by being revealed as an alt, you need to find a new website.

I think it's kinda funny that there's an actual group of people that will jump me over anything and constantly say the entire forum hates me
Isn't it just hilarious that the first time you said this you were wrong and now you're saying it again as though it's true? I think it's pretty funny, at least.

If you can be "forgeted over" by being revealed as an alt, you need to find a new website.
Isn't it just hilarious that the first time you said this you were wrong and now you're saying it again as though it's true? I think it's pretty funny, at least.
I think it's funny that you assume I included you in the group. I get that you're just a seriously creepy dude who likes to stalk people. You've made that clear. Ike and the others are just people with a large chip on their shoulder(s).

I think it's funny that you assume I included you in the group. I get that you're just a seriously creepy dude who likes to stalk people. You've made that clear. Ike and the others are just people with a large chip on their shoulder(s).
And you're just a creepy dude whose assumed multiple identities to lie to kids on the internet, but I suppose I'm the weird one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You're acting like I'm some sort of boogeyman lol

This place was pretty much where I started my life on the internet. How can you blame me for wanting to come back? A lot of the people I was really cool with have come back, and there's plenty of people that even if I didn't speak with them regularly it's still cool to see them around. You seem to forget that prior to aeris and the later accounts I was still a regular on the forum(if less talkative) for a good four years. Five years?

and it's also impossible to leave these forums.

I can't believe I just read this entire thread
too bad I didn't quit the forum years ago, so that I could return for threads like this :(

in my presence dost drama wake

in my presence dost drama wake
It's more of a culmination of wakes honestly.