Author Topic: oh my loving god i hate being on hold  (Read 447 times)

like, i can stand for maybe 5 minutes, but i've been on hold with microsoft for an hour and thirty minutes. what's the longest you've been on hold?

I think an hourish? I don't remember, it's been a while since I've had a bad Tech Support call and it was years ago, about my old Alienware laptop. I was already on hold for forever and it didn't help that the guy I was talking to thought I was a woman due to my prepubescent voice. Even when I corrected him he still called me "ma'am" lol

I was on hold with Google for about 30 minutes once, but stuff was getting done and their hold music isn't the worst so eh

i dont do tech support bs

You seriously called Microsoft the day after the Windows 10 launch? You're basically asking for hours of being on hold, lol.

why did you make a new thread about it

wacom put me on hold for like half an hour, didn't really mind because i was looking for something i needed while i was waiting

I generally try to keep people off hold while I work. Sometimes I sort of hum/sing while I work so they don't have to just sit there in the quiet. My customer satisfaction rate in my center is the highest in my state.