Author Topic: What is your opinion on 60 fps in games?  (Read 6615 times)

i like the part where the sound glitches when the player goes into the action falling_asleep and it plays the araqi_bomb_explosion sound
I don't have that issue, have you tried reinstalling?

thread derailed, fixing track.

I honestly don't give a forget.

I don't have that issue, have you tried reinstalling?

meh, it only happened once. i've heard other people heave encountered it but it's random.

there's also that glitch where you start taking fall damage during the action.

Damn page loss.
To be honest, I've grown so used to my 2005 toaster I've been keeping alive that anything above 20 FPS is totally acceptable.
At 60 FPS I tend to mis judge distances and speed all the time causing me to play worse than if I was running at what you people call an "unacceptable" FPS rates.
It's all preference.

You know how when you're watching the special features of a movie or something, and how the interviews looked kind of different compared to the footage? They seemed to move differently, but you don't know why?
That's because the movie footage is played at 24 fps while the interview is either at 45 fps or 60 fps.

lol where did you hear that
Everywhere you talk about refresh rates

FPS is the number of frames per second the software is processing, while Hz is the rate at which the hardware in the monitor is refreshing the display. They are two independent functions, and you will see a difference in animation quality with more FPS. There is a point where the human visual pathways become saturated, which IIRC is somewhere around 70-80fps. After that you can still perceive a difference in quality, but to borrow an economic term, you've hit the point of diminishing returns and it's a steep drop-off.

well it doesnt loving MATTER
because you can only see up to 24fps
forgetin idiot s

well it doesnt loving MATTER
because you can only see up to 24fps
forgetin idiot s
lol topkek

well it doesnt loving MATTER
because you can only see up to 24fps
forgetin idiot s

Everywhere you talk about refresh rates

FPS is the number of frames per second the software is processing, while Hz is the rate at which the hardware in the monitor is refreshing the display. They are two independent functions, and you will see a difference in animation quality with more FPS. There is a point where the human visual pathways become saturated, which IIRC is somewhere around 70-80fps. After that you can still perceive a difference in quality, but to borrow an economic term, you've hit the point of diminishing returns and it's a steep drop-off.
Can I have a source that says 60Hz is 30fps?

All framerates should be unlocked. If the player wants to play at 30, 60, or 120 FPS that's up to them. Locking a game to 30 is just stupid and will only turn away revenue and if the developer doesn't want to unlock the framerate usually the pirates unlock it for them.

now this I can get by

Can I have a source that says 60Hz is 30fps?

there isnt

There's actually some truth to the "your eyes can only see 30 FPS" myth. Your eye can process individual images at ~30 FPS so if you have an image onscreen for 1/30th of a second your brain might be able to recognize what exactly the object was in that 1/30th of a second. However if the image is onscreen for 1/60th of a second your brain won't be able to recognize the object in that time. The misconception is in object movement. In a video game you aren't looking at a slideshow of 30 completely different images flashing onscreen each second, you're looking at a single image that moves gradually across the screen so having a higher framerate will only mean smoother movement. Your eye can recognize differences at up to around 600 FPS, the difference between 30FPS and 60FPS is night and day but the difference between 600FPS and 750FPS is undetectable.

Can I have a source that says 60Hz is 30fps?
Hz = Hertz: noun - the SI unit of frequency, equal to one cycle per second.
FPS = Frames per second

I admit to my mistake, I have no clue where I first heard that bullstuff but that's what I've been going on for a few years now, for those who were fooled by me (of course on accident)

So don't flame on me you bastards