Author Topic: Sugar the comic - issue 13  (Read 118870 times)

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pot, meet kettle.
squartle is funny usually tho. mofo's incapable of being serious
molten's just stupid, and he's deadly serious about it. there's a difference

Sugar is nice.
more comics
bravo bravo

Now what have I done to warrant that?

You basically lost at being a forumer

« Last Edit: August 17, 2015, 12:53:15 AM by Akio »

i feel like this joke would be ruined if we ever saw what sugar actually looks like

sugar is badspot's new bot
it doesn't work very well
written by the finest korean programmers

i didn't know Riddler was such a forgetin hunk

trogtor give issue 10 yes no

(ok this one isnt much exiting)

issue 10