Author Topic: Gay Man Pulled From Home, Beaten By NYPD Officers Yelling “friend”  (Read 8961 times)

time for gay riots

Another example of America's award winning police force!

What award you ask? The award for idiocy of course!

solution: be a straight white male

Like I needed another reason to dislike the police...

solution: be a straight white male
dis guys knows whats up

Like I needed another reason to dislike the police...
you're generalizing all police, don't do that lol.

another reason why
if you want to be gay go to mapleland you maple bitch

Another example of America's award winning police force!

What award you ask? The award for idiocy of course!
So how does it feel not winning one for once in your life?

thank god, i thought we had all the gays gone already, good to know there isn't more.

something makes me think this has always been happening, but social media started getting their panties in a wad so now everyone's reporting on it

Another example of America's award winning police force!

What award you ask? The award for idiocy of course!
why is it that you go on a rant about how everyone is different and you shouldnt judge people by the groups they are in and then you go and generalize a lot of good people just because of a few bad eggs?

listen, people. the reason theres so many cop stories like this is because the stories of police doing good things doesnt sell as well as the stories of police violence. the media filters that out to make money.