Author Topic: Film Bots  (Read 36586 times)

It records your movements, then has a bot play them back.

It doesn't record movements perfectly, so the bot may end up in a different position than where you did:

Code: [Select]
Author: Whirlwind(8429)
Code from: SupportHeightControl, SuperMacro, CopyMod, FilmMode et. al
Description: Records your movements, then have a bot play them back.
/filmScene (/fbf) - Begins filming to the next available spot. Caution: It does not record movements perfectly, so do not always expect your bot to end up in the same place you do.

/playScene [range] or "all" or “last” (/fbp) - Plays back specified scenes.

/endScene [number optional] (/fbe) - Ends filming and playbacks. Leave blank to end all playbacks.

/filmWithScene [range] or "all" or “last” (/fbw) - Simultaneously begins filming and playback of specified scenes. Useful for knowing the position of other filmbots.

/listScene (/fbl) - Lists all recorded scenes and their times.

/deleteScene [range] or "all" or “last” (/fbd)- Deletes specified scenes.

/damageScene (/fbds) - Toggles whether filmbots can be damaged.

[Range] specifies the range using , and - (no spaces)
'/playscene 1' will play scene 1
'/playscene 2,3' will play scenes 2 and 3
'/playscene 2-4' will play scenes 2 3 and 4
'/playscene 1,3-5,7' will play scenes 1 3 4 5 and 7
'/playscene -4' will play all scenes from 1 to 4
'/playscene 5-' will play all scenes from 5 to your highest film
'/playscene -' will play all scenes
'/playscene all' will play all scenes

Planned (Things that are not done yet):
File Saving
Vehicle Support

Things that probably won't get done:
Changing Avatar
Exact movements
Record camera

Talk anim
Hide HUD
Item support
Film Timer
Custom Playback Range
Head Turning

Known Bugs:
Does not work with teledoors
Bots do not reload


Most people have this already, but in case you don't:

Version 1.5
  • Bot no longer fires weapon while dead.
  • Slight walking support
  • Added keybind for HUD/timer toggle from Randy's filmmode.
  • Talking workaround. Press cancel brick (default: num0) or the keybind while filming to record talking animation.
  • Added shortened commands. /fbf /fbp /fbw /fbe /fbl /fbd /fbds
  • Small improvements
  • Bug fixes
Version 1.4
  • Added support for head turning.
Version 1.3
  • Added workaround for bot damage. Use /damagescene to toggle bot damage.
  • Love, Hate, Alarm, Confuse emotes
Version 1.2
  • Item Support
  • Keybinds
  • New /last/ keyword to play/delete last filmed scene. Useful if you keep messing up a scene recording.
  • Small improvements
  • Bug Fixes
Version 1.1
  • Custom playback range
  • Small Improvements
  • Bug fixes
Version 1.0
  • Original Release

« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 01:22:52 AM by Whirlwind~ »

ohhhhhhhhhhhh this is super cool

Yes please!
This could be an awesome tool, please keep working on it!

Kinda like CopyMod? Sounds pretty neat.

Oh god yes that will be revolutionary for videos, please finish and release it, also do you think they could drive vehicles? I'm concerned about one colliding with another if anything will happen.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2015, 04:21:37 PM by Filipe »

Would this require both a client and a server mod? The sourcecode would probably be a learning experience for me, lol.

Would this require both a client and a server mod? The sourcecode would probably be a learning experience for me, lol.
Judging by the bots that they could climb each other I'm pretty sure it's server sided

Does/will this support multiple people doing it at the same time? Because, well, um, we could re-create this video. To an extent of course.

Does/will this support multiple people doing it at the same time? Because, well, um, we could re-create this video. To an extent of course.
You could do it all yourself with this mod.

this video. To an extent of course.
that is the exact loving thing i thought of when i saw this

This is exactly like how people do it in a sfm with TF2, now all I need is fraps and a video editor. But I have a few questions:

Can it copy vehicle movements?

Does it work with custom decals?

will it copy movements with items?

will it copy movements with fake kill bricks? for example if I filmed myself using the rocket L to destroy a house will the physics take effect?

will it copy movements with custom playertypes?

will this be admin only? (IMPORTANT) people may abuse this by spamming scenes and what not to lag servers and worse crash them

but anyway this is loving amazing and should bring filming easy to blockland, so now we won't need to host servers and get the crew and all!
« Last Edit: August 01, 2015, 05:12:11 PM by Mouse droidz 21 »

Judging by the bots that they could climb each other I'm pretty sure it's server sided
No, not that the visuals are clientsided. It's just a clientside mod that sends information to the server about your movements. Right?

Do you plan a beta release at some point?