Author Topic: Film Bots  (Read 37054 times)

I am just ecstatic right now. I didn't think I'd actually get this to work.

Beta Testers, there is now a separate Script_FilmBots_Beta add-on. Download from the op. And if Support_Updater works, you will never have to download it again.

The public mod is v1.0 and the beta is v1.1.
I would advise against using both at the same time.

Version 1.1
  • Custom Playback Range
  • Bug fixes
Code: [Select]
/filmScene - Begins filming to the next available spot. Caution: It does not record movements perfectly, so do not always expect your bot to end up in the same place you do.

/playScene [range] or "all" - Plays back specified scenes.

/endScene [number optional] - Ends filming and playbacks. Leave blank to end all playbacks.

/filmWithScene [range] or "all" - Simultaneously begins filming and playback of specified scenes. Useful for knowing the position of other filmbots.

/listScene - Lists all recorded scenes and their times.

/deleteScene [range] or "all" - Deletes specified scenes.

[Range] specifies the range using , and - (no spaces)
'/playscene 1' will play scene 1
'/playscene 2,3' will play scenes 2 and 3
'/playscene 2-4' will play scenes 2 3 and 4
'/playscene 1,3-5,7' will play scenes 1 3 4 5 and 7
'/playscene -4' will play all scenes from 1 to 4
'/playscene 5-' will play all scenes from 5 to your highest film
'/playscene -' will play all scenes
'/playscene all' will play all scenes

Oh boy I can't wait until the final release :)

Edit: I also found a bug, when you Self Delete, the bot's body disappears suddenly.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2015, 09:54:35 PM by Spartan224 »

when you Self Delete, the bot's body disappears suddenly.

Do you mean:
1. When you are filming with another scene playing, and you Self Delete, the bots of the playback scenes disappear suddenly? This is intended
2. When you are not filming and playing back a scene, and you Self Delete, the bots of the playback scene disappear suddenly? Unable to reproduce.
3. When you are filming, and you Self Delete, your dead body disappears suddenly? Unable to reproduce.
4. None of the above

Do you mean:
1. When you are filming with another scene playing, and you Self Delete, the bots of the playback scenes disappear suddenly? This is intended
2. When you are not filming and playing back a scene, and you Self Delete, the bots of the playback scene disappear suddenly? Unable to reproduce.
3. When you are filming, and you Self Delete, your dead body disappears suddenly? Unable to reproduce.
4. None of the above

Number 3.

Maybe it's the mods I have, I need to check. OR it may be physics death doing something. Anyway, I'll upload a video showcasing the bug today if I can.

Edit: It was an add-on or something. Disabling it fixed the issue.

Out of curiosity, what if you got another friendly developer to hel- Oh wait that's what add-ons are for never mind.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 12:08:08 AM by Spartan224 »

it made onactivate admin only
i don't have any mods that could make events admin only

it made onactivate admin only
i don't have any mods that could make events admin only

Uhh theres no events in this mod yet, perhaps its a different issue?

Items are a thing now.

will it copy movements with fake kill bricks? for example if I filmed myself using the rocket L to destroy a house will the physics take effect?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 01:23:41 AM by Whirlwind~ »

Version 1.2
  • Item Support
  • Keybinds
  • New /last/ keyword to play/delete last filmed scene. Useful if you keep messing up a scene recording.
  • Small improvements
  • Bug Fixes

I can make something now that there's item support. Thank you.

I found a bug: if you use teledoors with different rotations, then bots will come out of teledoors facing the wrong way. Also, scenes can't seem to hurt each other.

Also a neat thing: it works perfectly with timescales!
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 10:54:28 PM by TristanLuigi »

Also, scenes can't seem to hurt each other.
Please add this as an option or something. It'll be so helpful for action scenes.