Author Topic: Your View on Gun Control Laws?  (Read 3047 times)


I think that it's fine, and the student will appreciate it in the future if it helps them pay attention, (although, if the student wants to not learn anything and waste time then that's their problem and they can deal with it them self, without a teacher).
« Last Edit: August 06, 2015, 11:11:03 PM by Lego lad »

I'd say only in places where they NEED to pay attention, such as classes, our schools allow phones during lunch.

I'm all for it. When I was at school, my teachers would constantly make empty threats about it and then do nothing when it happened again.

If nothing is going on, then cell phones should be fine though. During work time or lecturing though, they (or any other device) shouldn't be allowed.

sounds fine to me
if you abuse your privilege to keep it you will lose it

they have no right to take your property. make you sit in the hall or go to the office, fine, but they should not be able to take your property.

I never understood why people brought phones to school ever since Middle School and now during High School

I'd say only in places where they NEED to pay attention, such as classes, our schools allow phones during lunch.
yeah mine too, where as in my driving class the lesson was defensive driving, so of course students had to surrender their cell phones at the beginning of class. If they really needed to sue it they could do so outside the room.

they have no right to take your property. make you sit in the hall or go to the office, fine, but they should not be able to take your property.

this unless they have a sign at entrances alerting you that they do (its an act or something)

plus its just plain disrespectful to say no and make a big deal out of it. just let your parents come after school and get it lol

plus its just plain disrespectful to say no and make a big deal out of it. just let your parents come after school and get it lol
nobody's getting my phone

I never understood why people brought phones to school ever since Middle School and now during High School
the outcast

nobody's getting my phone
the outcast

Sorry I'm not a forgetboy Chad

we need Wi-Fi proof walls

nobody's getting my phone

Then don't use it during class. Don't be blatantly disrespectful. I think if you willfully disobey the rules, then you forfeit the right to have a phone in class.

i can understand having it taken away for a class period, but if they keep it from you for like the whole schoolday that's kinda dumb

i remember once in 8th grade i had my phone taken from me by my stuffhead art teacher cause i was answering a text from my mother since she was gonna be gone for a couple days and i was going to have to take care of my little siblings during that time. i told him that and he took it from me anyways, i had to beg the lady at the office at the end of the school day to give it back to me bc of my situation (only parents were allowed to come and pick up your cell phone for you, idk why) and i ended up making her call my mom and have my mom tell her to give it back to me

forget that school

They're not necessary in school.
In the classroom in particular they should be confiscated if out, since they're a distraction to both the person with the phone and those around.

Outside of the classroom they're not necessary either.
I think it should depend on an age thing on if they should be allowed in schools or not. I don't see why a young teenager or pre-teen should need a phone on them.
And having access to an internet-connected smartphone in school could be open to abuse.

they have no right to take your property. make you sit in the hall or go to the office, fine, but they should not be able to take your property.
They give it back. My schools always gave confiscated items back to students at the end of the day.
It's up to you the student to not bring it in anyway.

nobody's getting my phone

how bout your parents or the police