Author Topic: guy and friends ruin confederate facebook group  (Read 10863 times)

Thats it molten you're on the immediately section the "to remove" list

and youre the one standing next to him doing the same thing
No, I just used Dig.

and then I pop out miles away.
you should be an attorney, because you always kick 'em when they're down.
i would murder the competition until it dies

This is why gays need to either be killed or shipped to a country without Internet access
I can be mean too!

Bronies should be killed or shipped to the sun

There, take THAT!

lol why are you spamming.
Bronies should be killed or shipped to the sun
most of them anyway.

2Snacks can stay.

most of them anyway.
I didnt mean it tho

i was using molten's logic against them

"I dont like them so kill them!"

This is why gays need to either be killed or shipped to a country without Internet access
away you go then

This is why bronies need to either be killed or shipped to a country without Internet access just killed

Theres hateful intentions one way or another in almost every political , religious or social group you find out there. Planned Parenthood butchers innocent children in the womb and sells their body parts for profit. Gay Pride groups sue, spit on, erase the religious rights/liberties of, and economically/financially destroy the lives of many muslims, christians and jews alike because they dont support homoloveuality. Mormon Fundamentalist sects torture and humiliate innocent animals then display them out in public as they die a painful and slow, cruel death. The Westboro Baptist Church self-righteously defaces, disrupts and trashes the funeral processions of soldiers who died in the line of duty just because they chose to be homoloveuals.

People should choose to rise above all ^ of that bullcrap and just be a good neighbor to people. Forgive others for their mistakes, but do not embrace or celebrate their mistakes.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2015, 12:55:31 AM by Planr »

can I choose to not ignore the westboro baptist church's bullcrap because they're basically a hate group at this point

Planned Parenthood butchers innocent children in the womb and sells their body parts for profit.
i hear this one alot. who's buying baby parts again?

Gay Pride groups sue, spit on, erase the religious rights/liberties of, and economically/financially destroy the lives of many muslims, christians and jews alike because they dont support homoloveuality.
also this... i feel like this happened like once, to that one company that said they didn't want to cater the gay wedding. gay pride groups are harmless.

People should choose to rise above all ^ of that bullcrap and just be a good neighbor to people. Forgive others for their mistakes, but do not embrace or celebrate their mistakes.
true, unless it's funny.

i hear this one alot. who's buying baby parts again?

I don't know this for certain, but I think some vaccinations contain stem cells or something left over from abortions. That might be what he means.