Author Topic: My brother got converted.  (Read 3272 times)

individually, we are weak like a single twig
but as a bundle we form a mighty friend

battlecry of the mysterious 4chan

Essentially, Steven Universe is a space opera about a half alien boy and his three alien caretakers, bent on defending the Earth. The aliens are gems that create essentially hollograms with mass, and from those gems they can produce specific weapons or change their appearance.

It's awesome imo, with a lot of action and cool backstory, but then again, it also has the SJW stigma. Since the aliens don't reproduce like we do, and can change appearence, it means that they choose to look like female humans. This is what gets the Tumblerinas salivating. But that's only a minor tidbit about the aliens' backstory. I don't think they ever talk about it on the show in the first place. It also looks dumb on the surface because Cartoon Network likes advertising things "lel so random funny" now, rather than showing any action or the parts that are simply disturbing.

If he starts talking about gender identities or so much utters the word "cis," then you can disown him or whatever you claim, because that's the stereotype people seem to hate. Otherwise, leave him alone. It's a good show if you disregard the more rabid SJW fanbase.
« Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 02:15:15 PM by Narkro555 »

Depends on the kind of fan. Is it tumblr SJW fan, who only cares about gender roles in the show? Or someone who likes dark, original space operas with a massive backstory?
this is ridiculous
you wanna be better than other people SO HARD that you have to resort to literally "your reason for liking something I like is worse than my reason"

and it's not even a space opera

its a pretty ok show you should just let him like what he likes
its like if someones a jew you cant just gas them its not like that anymore

When you put it that way, it actually seems pretty narcicistic. My bad. I'm just trying to convince people that it isn't just liked for one thing it does different than other cartoons. The gender role defiance in the show is a positive aspect of it, but most of the hate for it comes from people thinking that's its only merit.

However, it still fits the definition of Space Opera pretty well:
Space opera is a subgenre of science fiction that emphasizes space warfare, melodramatic adventure, set mainly or entirely in outer space and often romance.
Only issue with the definition is that it takes place mostly on Earth, although they frequently interact and fight with off-world aliens. And not to mention the backstory is two space wars.

its a pretty ok show you should just let him like what he likes
its like if someones a jew you cant just gas them its not like that anymore

oh lord

Oh no my sibling enjoys a show I dislike
How dare he
HOW loving DARE HE

I think it's a p cool show

However, it still fits the definition of Space Opera pretty well:Only issue with the definition is that it takes place mostly on Earth, although they frequently interact and fight with off-world aliens. And not to mention the backstory is two space wars.
the backstory being a space opera doesn't make the show a space opera

its popular

remember when hating on halo/linkin park/smash melee/bethesda was the "cool" thing to do?

theres probably better examples but im tired as forget and i cant think of anything better
Pretty much this.

I was looking up info on some game I was curious about, and stumbled onto some like, chan website, forget which one. And it pretty much went from "wtf is this?" to "oh look at all these neat things, let's find out more" to "omg a youtuber played it lets all abandon ship forget everything is ruined"

And as far as typical tumblr hate goes. I'm not sure where that comes from either? Like, it's just a blogging site. BLF users are quick to defend BLF when people judge it based solely on the drama section, but when it comes down to tumblr, apparently it's just full of extreme SJW activity, to those same people who defend BLF.

Altough theres one thing too,for people that try to argue with me for hating the show... I actually got a sneak peek and i dont like it.

Oh and my brother will constantly want to show me things that i dont care about of the show like i am a fan.

And i seriously despise him for that. Hes already doing this with vinesauce thinking i watch everything,including the streams.

Altough theres one thing too,for people that try to argue with me for hating the show... I actually got a sneak peek and i dont like it.

Oh and my brother will constantly want to show me things that i dont care about of the show like i am a fan.

And i seriously despise him for that. Hes already doing this with vinesauce thinking i watch everything,including the streams.
No one's arguing with you for hating the show.

People are arguing with you for causing unnecessary stuff about the show. This happened in that public drawing website too. Where you would constantly just write stuff about SU. It's almost like you're absolutely obsessed with hating it.

How old is your brother?