Author Topic: Re: YOU GROSS OUT YOU LOSE v120  (Read 7753 times)


Super gross

I actually drank spoiled milk twice, once was many years ago when i didn't even know milk got chunky when it spoiled, i thought it was ice, i was horrible wrong, and a second time years later when it wasn't chunky but it definitely had a bad taste to it
The smell should convince you otherwise.

I don't know why I'm doing this but I'm looking for it on wayback machine but I can't find it

Just wanted to really see what it was about and who got banned

and when
You can still see some of the pages via Google cache, just use something like to narrow it to pages only on this website.

Everyone who posted gross images in this thread got a one week ban.  Just because someone else posted the "lets break the rules" thread doesn't mean it's ok for you to post in it. 

o damn

Hmm okay I wonder if anyone we cared about is gone.

Hmm okay I wonder if anyone we cared about is gone.
>Blockland Forums
>Caring about someone
what is this paradox

wait so who even got banned then?

Eh, it's probably people we didn't really care about that much.

At least I wasn't banned for the mayonnaise cake

At least I wasn't banned for the mayonnaise cake
you probably deserved it though. i didnt need to remember that thing today  :panda:

wait what happened
Someone made a "you gross you lose" thread, like the YLYL and YCYL
I didn't really notice anything that bad (other than one post that would've been banned anywhere else), but I only stayed for like 2 pages