Author Topic: pet peeves v.2973  (Read 1217 times)

post pet peeves of yours

waking up later than you want
dropping soap (not the prison joke but literally dropping soap bars makes me so mad especially when they hit your foot and get all dented)
dry skin
people like this (l o lsorry it'll nevr hapen agen i promis!!!!!!)

i have a ton more but i cant think of any because sleepy


People who come into the restaurant I work at 30 minutes before closing. forget off, I want to go home.

customers who are complete douche nozzles to workers.

the distinct sound of swallowing
hearing fluids go down anyones throats makes me cringe into a little ball

People who I don't know I come up to me and call me their "homie"
Dropping soap (Yeah this for me too)
Also that noise when you rub a pencil against a desk or something wooden.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2015, 02:21:26 AM by Silleb² »

i loving HATE it, that stupid noise mugs/glasses make when someone has milk or something in them and they stir it around
its very distinct, and doesnt seem to work with water. water has a little *tinktinktink* noise when you stir it, but for pretty much everything else thats a base it goes "crkcrkcrkcrkcrkcrk"

People who come into the store I work at 30 minutes before closing. forget off, I want to go home.

when your loving bus drives straight past you on your first day back to school and you're not there yet but instead you're posting about it on a forum

when someone eats and breathes through their mouth at the same time

when someone eats and breathes through their mouth at the same time
while talking

when you say a fact and someone's like "ikr"
"ikr" is "i know, right?"
you do not agree with a loving fact. you accept it.

people walking slow in the halls

the bus

when people smack while eating like don't nobody wanna hear that you barnyard animal

this thread

ot: when your sibling does something stupid to annoy your entire household and doesnt stop when you ask him nicely

people who nickname me that arent my friends