Author Topic: Blockland Glass 4.2  (Read 304305 times)

I would say that you shouldn't theme the guis and instead let people use Client_Themes to change them.

I would say that you shouldn't theme the guis and instead let people use Client_Themes to change them.

I can't open the GUI, shift+tab, ctrl+tab, nothing works. There's no keybind in the options either. I am running non-steam blockland without any RTB so that isn't the problem, and am running the latest stable build. Glass does stuff in the background (and echoes it to my console) but nothing works.

Fix: Ctrl + M was the keybind.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2015, 08:44:09 PM by Blake1Studios »

I got an idea for music

What if users have to submit a request to be able to upload and you only accept trusted individuals who have proven they aren't idiots.

Also please allow uploaders to change the name and description of uploads
« Last Edit: October 30, 2015, 06:17:28 PM by MoltenKitten »

I got an idea for music

What if users have to submit a request to be able to upload and you only accept trusted individuals who have proven they aren't idiots.
I don't see why it's so important for people to be able to upload music. They can just upload it on the Blockland Forums.
Also please allow uploaders to change the name and description of uploads
You can't currently change the name, but you can change the description by going to update the add-on and then just don't fill in any of the changelog or anything and just modify the description and hit Edit.

did you guys add a soundpack section for the mod manager yet? Its been a month and im still waiting to upload all my soundpacks.

I would say that you shouldn't theme the guis and instead let people use Client_Themes to change them.
It already does do that , the issue is that it is overwriting another addon's ui to a default torque window theme, that then is themed as whatever theme your using if you have client_themes.

I honestly don't understand why you have to force your own feelings onto everyone zeblote, because like many said , many like the modern theme, so why not just have an option for both a modern style window or a classic style window, options solve many things, and having two shouldn't be much of a problem.

Try Ctrl + M.
Ctrl + M worked, you guys should probably list that somewhere.

Ctrl + M worked, you guys should probably list that somewhere.
It says it in op, and I am pretty sure 90% of us discovered the mod from this thread


Install like any other add-on. After Blockland starts, just press CTRL M to open up the mod

Don't know if this is a temporary problem or not but, every time I click on the link to it says error 522 "Connection timed out" then say try again later.

Causing Blockland to crash on launch. I tried about 5 times to launch with the add-on installed, then launched it 5 times without error with the add-on installed.

Not sure if this error is completely client-side on my end, but I'd look into it.

Could you message me a console.log?

Are we doing sounds? Someone's uploaded some.

Also, are we allowing random people to upload inactive/gone people's add-ons(SuperMario65 uploading Event_SetRandom by Destiny/Zack0Wack0)?
« Last Edit: November 12, 2015, 09:35:40 PM by jes00 »