Author Topic: Blockland Glass 4.2  (Read 309763 times)

I love that you can make the tabs into windows and vise versa.

This chat system is awesome! The server settings keybind isn't doing anything for me though, is it working for you guys?

This chat system is awesome! The server settings keybind isn't doing anything for me though, is it working for you guys?

Works for me, but there are preferences missing from the list. Also the window could be a bit taller.

Public beta released.

Add-Ons/System_BlocklandGlass/client/GlassLiveConnection.cs (290): Unable to find object: 'GlassServerList' attempting to call function 'doLiveUpdate'
BackTrace: ->GlassLiveConnection::onLine

Get this when refreshing server list. Using a custom whole-window master server made by Zapk.

I'm getting the same error mentioned above, but it's happening even if I haven't opened the server list.

Also, switching tabs echoes "tab found, no need continue" in the console and leaving a room echoes "callback".

One more thing: I don't think these extra chatrooms will be used very often. Even when RTB Connect was around, hardly anybody even joined the other rooms. I would suggest keeping everything in one "General" room unless this gets a huge number of users.

Works for me, but there are preferences missing from the list. Also the window could be a bit taller.
The keybind still isn't making anything appear for me. I ran the default game with only the latest version of Blockland Glass enabled and nothing is happening. Here is the console.log

Add-Ons/System_BlocklandGlass/client/GlassLiveConnection.cs (290): Unable to find object: 'GlassServerList' attempting to call function 'doLiveUpdate'
BackTrace: ->GlassLiveConnection::onLine

This is probably a result of Jincux removing the live server updating until further notice, and leaving a part of it behind.

Also, switching tabs echoes "tab found, no need continue" in the console and leaving a room echoes "callback".

Just left behind debugging practice, I'm sure those will all be removed come public release.

One more thing: I don't think these extra chatrooms will be used very often. Even when RTB Connect was around, hardly anybody even joined the other rooms. I would suggest keeping everything in one "General" room unless this gets a huge number of users.

That may be true, but I doubt that the rooms will cause any sort of segregation - they're there if they're needed by any user.

The keybind still isn't making anything appear for me. I ran the default game with only the latest version of Blockland Glass enabled and nothing is happening. Here is the console.log

Try doing $Pref::BLPrefs::AllowedRank = "3"; in console, rejoin the server / restart the game and try again.

A reminder that anyone can download and use the public beta right now (including the new chat and friends list):

Glass Public Beta

Report any bugs you find.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 10:54:34 AM by Paperwork »

I noticed that there is a button to return to the add-on boards after visiting a specific board, yet there is no "back" button on add-on pages. I have to go back to the boards every time I want to see a different add-on, which makes browsing the mod manager difficult.

it would also be nice if there was an option for the Esc key to close overlay windows rather than exit the overlay entirely. if that was an option then it would be necessary that the keybind to open the overlay would also close the overlay since the keybind only opens the overlay as of now.

plus, it's a little weird that I have to make chatroom tabs into different windows in order to leave them one-by-one since there is no "X" button on each tab, only the window. by this I mean if I had joined "Help" and "General Discussion" and wanted to leave "Help," I'd have to make "Help" a different window to leave that room individually.

as for the friends window I noticed that friends' names don't always show up after adding them. disconnecting from Glass Live, joining/leaving a server, and restarting Blockland doesn't seem to fix this.

I can also send a friend request to already existing friends using both methods of sending a friend request. accepting a friend request from an existing friend the first time will give me a pop-up saying that the friend request was accepted. the friend request doesn't disappear though and accepting it a second time will produce another pop-up that tells me I don't have a friend request from said person. denying the request instead will just say that it was ignored each time I deny it. the friend request will disappear if I reconnect to Glass Live.

chat between friends is not working for me. I can still type and send messages, yet the person who I am sending messages to does not receive anything. the same is vice versa

callback, BLG heartbeat, Glass auth success, and
Add-Ons/System_BlocklandGlass/client/GlassLiveConnection.cs (290): Unable to find object: 'GlassServerList' attempting to call function 'doLiveUpdate'
BackTrace: ->GlassLiveConnection::onLine
are the only things that showed up in my console.log when I found these issues

plus, it's a little weird that I have to make chatroom tabs into different windows in order to leave them one-by-one since there is no "X" button on each tab, only the window. by this I mean if I had joined "Help" and "General Discussion" and wanted to leave "Help," I'd have to make "Help" a different window to leave that room individually.
Last I checked you could click the X on the chatroom window to close your current tab.

Last I checked you could click the X on the chatroom window to close your current tab.
didn't realize that, thank you

« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 03:52:20 PM by Maya67 »

So, do the server preferences work? I have a keybind for server prefs set, but whenever I'm on my server it doesn't do anything

Try doing $Pref::BLPrefs::AllowedRank = "3"; in console, rejoin the server / restart the game and try again.

plz add the chat. have an NES.  :nes: