Author Topic: Weapons help  (Read 822 times)

Hello everyone,
So I was wondering if anyone knew of a good addon pack that had a decent amount of weapons that had limited ammo, easy to use ammo restock, and would allow you to aim down sights.

Tier tactical is a good one except you cant aim down the sights. A good pack for aiming down sights is the bf3 weapons pack.



Tier tactical is a good one except you cant aim down the sights. A good pack for aiming down sights is the bf3 weapons pack.



Didn't the BF3 Pack cause massive amounts of lag due to coding that looks more like ascii art than actual code or something?

Didn't the BF3 Pack cause massive amounts of lag due to coding that looks more like ascii art than actual code or something?
thats just to make it more like real bf3

horribly optimized

mine whenever i finish it :cookieMonster:

Tier tactical is a good one except you cant aim down the sights. A good pack for aiming down sights is the bf3 weapons pack.


I prefer to not have a pack for aiming down sights imo since the F keybind exists but that's probably just me

I prefer to not have a pack for aiming down sights imo since the F keybind exists but that's probably just me
Although there is the F keybind, I like the idea to have better accuracy when aiming down sights.

Don't use BF3 because that pack iirc is horribly unbalanced
You could try Rykuta's old H&K 2.0 alpha that has the ability for LMG's to deploy bipod for additional accuracy, and other things, as well as limited ammo. The original H&K pack there has a huge selection of good raycast weapons, but has no ammo nor sights.

Do not use Tier, it is horribly overused imo

yet they got boring

Tier tactical is ok but it feels overused when every server that uses guns uses tier.  I was never really a huge fan of tier tactical in the first place.  the guns just felt off.

Theres Gravity Cat's Raycasts with limited ammo, really loving OP snipers, and a ADS system.

Theres Gravity Cat's Raycasts with limited ammo, really loving OP snipers, and a ADS system.
Do you talk about the D weapon pack?
if so eugh

People say BL has enough weapons but I cant seem to find enough weapons pack that would make a perfect TDM