Author Topic: Looking for a laptop for university  (Read 1982 times)

I'm going to university in September to do software engineering, so I need a laptop to do work on. Since I'm living away from home, I'd like it to be able to handle some gaming as well.

- Runs cs:go at decent settings & framerate
-  £700 / $1100 or less

is running csgo well absolutely necessary?

is running csgo well absolutely necessary?

Yes.  :^)

(OT I'm looking)

Ooh sorry to steal the spotlight but Im looking for one too! I want one that just runs fast enough to the point where I can take notes on it and access the internet every once in a while for research. I want it to be pretty small too

I mean, the requirements weren't that specific, but this has everything you mentioned.

Unless, you know, Acer is a prob

Ooh sorry to steal the spotlight but Im looking for one too! I want one that just runs fast enough to the point where I can take notes on it and access the internet every once in a while for research. I want it to be pretty small too
you should get a Surface 3. It's amazing for notes, and browses the web quite well. All that and it's very portable.

Never used this before, but plenty of my friends and people on this forum have said good things about it.
says it's starting at <$1000

what do you mean by no?
it literally says $979 as you said, which is <$1000

says it's starting at <$1000
Wait was this supposed to be a good thing?
what do you mean by no?
it literally says $979 as you said, which is <$1000
If yes, I thought you meant that it NEEDED to be above $1000 for some stupid reason, and if you think that you should die in a hole, no hard feelings.

I literally said it's starting at <$1000
how the duck are you interpreting that?
I'm interpreting it as "it's starting at less than one thousand dollars, which is under budget and could be a good match"