Author Topic: Anyone else think Call of Duty is overrated/has flopped?  (Read 2088 times)

you are the only one in the world who thinks call of duty is overrated
everyone else thinks its the pinnacle of game design and you are just a hipster
you're literally satan

It's one of the few games that actively supports split screen, si it's a pretty good party game if you have friends over.

The game is fun for like an hour tops even with friends for me

the games aren't that bad, and bo3 looks pretty fun if they get it right
bo2 was basically bo1 with more "futuristic weapons" and gameplay was barely changed aside from "advanced gui"
bo1 was great, bo2 was a repeat of 1 with small changes
if i had to say any of them were the best of the franchise, it'd be 4 and 5 (CoD 4: MW, and CoD: WaW)

i think call of duty went down the stuffter starting on black ops 2. i loving despise any games in the series after black ops (the first one), but yet i'm always sucked into playing every new release. just the other day i beat the campaign of advanced warfare at my friend's house and it wasn't as bad as i thought it'd be. the multiplayer is always the same tbh, except AW has exo suits and BO3 has wall running and exo suits.