
I am considering closing the slave RP down because it seems to have given me a ‘-Danna-‘ reputation on Blockland.

Yes, it’s offensive.
14 (13.5%)
No, it’s not like the slaves are black.
20 (19.2%)
Why the hell were you even hosting a Slave RP...
22 (21.2%)
I don’t really care if you keep it up or not.
48 (46.2%)

Total Members Voted: 104

Voting closed: August 31, 2015, 10:42:58 PM

Author Topic: My Slave RP...  (Read 7376 times)

It’s not like the Gaurds have the option to rape. Plus, my map Doesn't have a strip club.

Lets back that conversation up a little... you hosted a slave RP. You didn't expect even a /little/ backlash?
i don't really give a flying stuff but this was to be expected.  rip OP.

why is this in drama

i hosted a Gritty Grapnel rp with 30 people online and i regret nothing

i hosted a Gritty Grapnel rp with 30 people online and i regret nothing
lol ok.

I hosted a server that featured a lot of NSFW of many kinds. Welcome to the OSP Offensive Server Party

I expected a majority of the people to pick Yes. But I guess not. Thanks for giving your honest votes guys

Meh, a slave rp would actually be kind of fun IMO, but I feel like Danna has given everything she touches a bad name, including slave rps. This might actually work, try this.
I have been working on one for a while. Maybe I should host.

I have been working on one for a while. Maybe I should host.
Go for it.

You tell the slaves to dig and every once in awhile we would have a Gladiator Arena match. It would be fun when the slaves revolted and it kind of became a DM, the people who joined my game were usually mature and took it seriously. But sometimes a person would join, say, “Wow really” or, “Your just like Danna” then leave.
Well, the problem with Danna getting pissed was she wanted an RP like yours, the slaves digging and doing gladiators n' stuff, but the main issue was the slaves were in constant 24/7 revolt, so it was pretty much a TDM in a slave work field.

Well, the problem with Danna getting pissed was she wanted an RP like yours, the slaves digging and doing gladiators n' stuff, but the main issue was the slaves were in constant 24/7 revolt, so it was pretty much a TDM in a slave work field.
I actually came up with the Slave Rp after seeing hers.
I admit it.

Mini_Meatwad told -Danna- about my Slave RP after one of my Admins, Block King124 banned him.

It loos like the slave rp is staying, thanks for voting guys. Tommorow I will be hosting the server for the first time in a few months. I've gotten a few mods to make it more realistic.