Author Topic: Visolator is back?  (Read 14661 times)

You keep saying I spammed the master server. I did not. Explain 'your' proof that I did spam the master server. I certainly did not.

I already explained what I was doing with the group, what are you trying to do?

You keep saying I spammed the master server. I did not. Explain 'your' proof that I did spam the master server. I certainly did not.

I already explained what I was doing with the group, what are you trying to do?
i have nothing else to explain. Re-read what i've said over and over if you need to, you know what you did and i know that you did it because i was there when you did it, Sorry i can't imprint my memory into the internet for you, your actions, your revokes, and what you admit to are evidence enough to your obvious misdoings, but by all means continue your damage control attempt.

Damage control attempt? Explain.

I do not ever do serious damage to any server.

Ok seriously this is making reality more depressing as enough as it is.

The one you should flame is summet.

The story from my point is:Visolator wanted to test something to abuse servers just for the fun of it and gave it to his friends. Unfortunatly summet downloaded the mod to destroy servers.

He then went on to point all the blame on visolator. So everyone was a dumbnut and not checking anything so they accused viso. Visolator was like:I need to correct these people. And then he got so much blame badspot had to ban him.

Basically i root for kyuande. Alongside correcting people.

Ok seriously this is making reality more depressing as enough as it is.

The one you should flame is summet.

The story from my point is:Visolator wanted to test something to abuse servers just for the fun of it and gave it to his friends. Unfortunatly summet downloaded the mod to destroy servers.

He then went on to point all the blame on visolator. So everyone was a dumbnut and not checking anything so they accused viso. Visolator was like:I need to correct these people. And then he got so much blame badspot had to ban him.

Basically i root for kyuande. Alongside correcting people.
Problem is I was still in the group and messed around with servers, it's still considered an attack and a revoke+ban. Badspot has proof to ban the old profiles because of the console logs.

no edit: also point out where i ever said it was just you spamming the master servers and no one else visolator? where did i say that? because as far as i remember im clumping you into the group of _cake and Summet, you didn't do it all by yourself but you sure as hell chimed in on doing so.  :iceCream:
I've already explained that I did not spam the master server. You can keep blaming it on me, but when I was also revoked, there was more spam but with a different user.

Zapk was spamming the master server along with summet. That much we know because there was actual proof of it. They were both revoked. Viso was revoked for making and distributing the exploit. There never was any proof of him spamming the master server. As per usual I could be wrong, but if you want to prove it then put up some evidence. Innocent until proven guilty.

Zapk is also playing innocent right now because he's telling me that he did this only in summer of 2014. We were on a few servers and he was showing me the loop, and even did it. I don't have proof because it was a long time ago.

i was super tired that day, and i know it isn't much, but here is a snippet of a chatlog that proves that me and viso were both on his server when Hoodini was hit.
[04:57 AM][20490] Visolator: oh my god another name got added
[04:58 AM][48829] LruteL: whose
[04:58 AM][20490] Visolator: this is funny
[04:58 AM][20490] Visolator: HoodiniTheOwl
[04:58 AM][48568] Inanis: XD
[04:58 AM][48829] LruteL: poor guys
[04:58 AM][20490] Visolator: people think I could be doing it
[04:58 AM][20490] Visolator: stupid forums
[04:58 AM][48829] LruteL: i don't
[04:58 AM][48829] LruteL: i keep chatlogs
[04:58 AM][48829] LruteL: this is your alibi
I'll post the whole file if anyone wants to check it for accuracy, but hopefully this is enough to convince you that while viso did find and tell other people about the exploit, he didn't use it for exploitive purposes, outside of a few small tests; though i do think with the stuff he's done outside of this isolated incident, that the small exploits he made are excusable.

imo if you want someone to blame, you should go after the guy who released an unfinished add-on with eval exploits in it.

3 years ago is alot of time for people to change.
This may be from a few pages ago but this is total bullstuff.

Time doesn't change people. Visolator will forget up again, pull another sympathy card, and get banned for causing more deliberate trouble. It happens with every person who's caused major problems to this community. They say sorry, and abuse whatever trust they gain out of it.

I bet you already know whats thats like.

I think it wasn't Visolator/Kyuanade whatever but another person named Aspect. Apparently said person had his username taken; it was 'Aspect'. His steam nickname right now is Vusilthanatos.

What? Did you read the entire topic?

Time doesn't change people. Visolator will forget up again, pull another sympathy card, and get banned for causing more deliberate trouble. It happens with every person who's caused major problems to this community. They say sorry, and abuse whatever trust they gain out of it.
We all break at some point, whether it's good or bad, it's not a good thing. Some people may only break once, and maybe not.
I'm not going to write another handicapped leave message again. If I go I go, no further complaining and no sending text to everyone about the problem; that's just obnoxious and stupid. I also apologize for sending texts to people about the problems I've had here, all it does is creates more problems.

I think it wasn't Visolator/Kyuanade whatever but another person named Aspect. Apparently said person had his username taken; it was 'Aspect'. His steam nickname right now is Vusilthanatos.
I know this guy! He's on my friends list!